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Heart and Vascular Programs

Heart Failure Program

ChristianaCare provide innovative care for people with heart failure.

What is Heart Failure?

Each year, more than half a million Americans are diagnosed with heart failure. Almost 1 million people each year are hospitalized for heart failure and related problems.

The nationally recognized specialists at ChristianaCare provide innovative care for people with heart failure, effectively managing symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. We offer the most effective treatments for heart failure, based on the most current medical guidelines and scientific research.

Read Miguel's story of recovery from heart failure.

Miguel Denizac with the team from the Heart Failure Program Miguel Denizac with the team from the Heart Failure Program

Our Program Offers

  • Complete cardiac assessment
  • A team of experienced specialists who work together across multiple disciplines to provide you with outstanding care.
  • Consultation and follow-up care with our physician, who is board-certified in advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology.
  • Individualized appointments with a nurse practitioner who is experienced in the care of heart failure patients.
  • Education about lifestyle changes to help you manage your disease (Patient Guide).
  • Education about your medications and how they work
  • Access to the latest research and clinical trials.
  • Access to the region’s top doctors.
  • Convenient heart failure outpatient center.
  • Telehealth technology, as appropriate.

Heart Failure Care Navigators

Heart failure care navigators are specially trained nurses who help patients and their families understand their heart-failure diagnosis and follow the care provided by their doctor. In the hospital, care navigators advocate on behalf of patients to ensure that their care needs are fully met and they are able to return home as soon as possible.

Your heart failure care navigator will help you to understand and plan your care. This includes coordinating referrals regarding insurance, transportation and other issues with case managers and social workers. She will help you to monitor your progress, and she will act as a liaison between your and your doctors.

Specialists Working Together for You

Your care begins with your initial assessment and continues whether you are in the hospital or at home, with follow-up evaluations and long-term disease management. Our program engages a team of board-certified specialists who will work together to ensure that your care is coordinated efficiently and effectively.

These include specialists in:

  • Cardiology, interventional cardiology and cardiovascular imaging.
  • Electrophysiology.
  • Emergency medicine.
  • Internal medicine.
  • Cardiac assessment for obstetrics patients.
  • Nephrology.
  • Cardiovascular surgery.
  • Pulmonary medicine.
  • Psychology and social services.

Heart Failure Outpatient Center

The Heart Failure Outpatient Center offers personal appointments with  a team experienced in caring for people with heart failure. Our team includes: heart failure physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, supportive and palliative care specialists and behavioral health specialists. They work closely with your primary cardiologist to ensure that you are receiving the best care possible. You will continue to have regular appointments with your cardiologist.

At the Heart Failure Outpatient Center, you will receive a complete physical examination, and your caregiver will review your medications to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit without potential side effects. 

You will also receive counselling and education about:

  • Recognizing signs of worsening heart failure.
  • Making lifestyle changes to help you manage your disease.
  • Understanding how and why you should cut back on salt and possibly fluids.
  • Checking your weight daily.
  • Knowing when to call your doctor.

Managing Heart Failure During the Pandemic

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We offer the most effective treatments for heart failure, based on the most current medical guidelines and scientific research.
For those with heart failure who can’t get a transplant, there are few long-term options. One of those options is called LVAD, which stands for left-ventricular assist device.

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Heart Failure Program