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Cómo cuidar al bebé


La elección de cómo alimentar a su bebé tiene efectos de por vida para su hijo.

Alimentación de su bebé

La elección de cómo alimentar a su bebé tiene efectos de por vida para su bebé y para usted.

Es probable que lo que ha visto y aprendido sobre la alimentación infantil de su familia, amigos y maestros influya en su actitud y percepciones. Ya sea que definitivamente planee amamantar o aún no esté segura, tenga en cuenta que su leche es la mejor leche para su bebé. Es el primer alimento ideal para los primeros meses de su bebé.

Apoyo para la lactancia materna

Opciones de alimentación

  • Breastfeeding. Nature designed human milk especially for human babies. It has several advantages over any substitute ever developed. Your milk has just the right balance of nutrients, and it has them in a form most easily used by the human baby’s immature body systems. Because it was made for your human baby, your milk is also the most gentle on your baby’s systems.
  • Bottle-feeding. If you decide not to breastfeed, or are unable to breastfeed, commercial iron-fortified formulas can provide adequate nutrition for your infant. Infant formulas have enough protein, calories, fat, vitamins, and minerals for growth. However, formula doesn’t have the immune factors that are in breast milk. The immune factors in breast milk can help prevent infections.

Helpful Hints for Feeding Your Baby

These are some helpful hints for feeding your baby:

  • Breast milk is best for your baby and is beneficial even if you only breastfeed for a short amount of time, or part-time.
  • Offer cow’s milk-based formula with iron as first choice of formula, if you do not breastfeed.
  • Keep your baby on breast milk or baby formula until he or she is 1-year-old.
  • Start solid foods when your baby can hold up his or her head, sit-up with support, and no longer has tongue thrusting (4 to 6 months).
  • When starting solids, start with rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula on a spoon. Do not give solids in the bottle or with an infant feeder.
  • Once your baby is tolerating cereal, offer vegetables, then add fruits, and then meats.
  • Ask your child’s healthcare provider about the best way to add new foods to your baby’s diet.
  • Progress in texture of foods so that your baby is eating table foods by his or her first birthday.
  • Do not give honey & foods that can be easily choked on (like hot dogs, peanuts, grapes, raisins, or popcorn) to your child during his or her first year of life.
  • Unless your child is known to have or has severe allergies (for instance, breaking out in hives, vomiting, or having trouble breathing), recent reports and studies have shown that introducing whole eggs and peanut butter at a young age — even at 4 to 6 months — reduces the chance of your child developing allergies to these foods. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider about whether these foods are appropriate for your child.

Banco de leche materna

Muchos bebés que reciben leche del Banco de leche materna no podrían desarrollarse sin ella. Los bebés necesitan leche donada por:

  • Allergies and formula intolerances.
  • Prematurity.
  • Failure to thrive.
  • Immunological deficiencies.
  • Postoperative nutrition.
  • Inborn errors of metabolism.

En ChristianaCare, los neonatólogos, médicos que están especialmente entrenados para atender a los lactantes prematuros y enfermos, recomiendan el uso de leche materna. La leche materna es ideal para la nutrición del bebé recién nacido porque es más fácil de digerir que la fórmula, lo que reduce el riesgo de complicaciones intestinales y estomacales. Esto es aún más importante para los lactantes enfermos en estado crítico.

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Displaying 2 out of 2 ChristianaCare locations

Parent and Breastfeeding Education and Resource Center
Parent and Breastfeeding Education and Resource Center Vea la ubicación

4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Room 1L06
Newark, DE 19718

Llame al 302-301-3360 Get directions

More than 1,400 physicians and surgeons are active members of ChristianaCare’s Medical-Dental staff, and more than one in 10 of them have located at least part of their practices on the Christiana Hospital campus in two Medical Arts Pavilions adjoining the main hospital. The Christiana Hospital campus also includes the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center.
Mothers’ Milk Bank
Mothers’ Milk Bank Vea la ubicación

4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road,
Room 1922A,
Newark, DE 19718

Llame al 302-301-4321 Get directions

When you have surgery at the Christiana Surgicenter, you’re back in the comfort of your own home the very same day. Located on the Christiana Hospital campus, this 25,000-square-foot, patient-friendly facility provides outstanding care and the latest technology for a variety of surgical procedures, including:

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A un nuevo padre, incluso las tareas rutinarias, como cambiar un pañal y vestir al bebé, pueden parecerle abrumadoras. Pero no se preocupe, todo lo que necesita es un poco de orientación, paciencia e instinto natural. Mientras esté bajo nuestro cuidado, el personal de enfermería experimentado le enseñará todo lo que necesita saber.