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Antes de la concepción

Opciones de embarazo

Nos especializamos en técnicas anticonceptivas innovadoras.

Técnicas anticonceptivas innovadoras

El Centro para la Salud Reproductiva de ChristianaCare se especializa en técnicas anticonceptivas innovadoras.

Prestamos servicios integrales de salud reproductiva, en especial, para pacientes con problemas médicos complejos.

Pareja con médico

Asesoramiento integral sobre los métodos anticonceptivos

Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de opciones de anticoncepción y podemos brindarle el mejor método de anticoncepción en función de sus necesidades médicas y sociales. Además, nos especializamos en consultas sobre anticoncepción para mujeres con afecciones médicas graves.

¿Qué son los métodos anticonceptivos?

Los métodos anticonceptivos son cualquier actividad, medicamento o equipo utilizado para prevenir el embarazo. Hay muchos tipos de métodos anticonceptivos disponibles para las mujeres que no desean quedar embarazadas. La decisión sobre qué método es adecuado para usted debe tomarse con su proveedor de atención médica, así como con su pareja. 

Los métodos anticonceptivos funcionan de diferentes maneras para prevenir el embarazo, incluidas las siguientes:

  • Creating a barrier that blocks sperm from reaching the egg
  • Killing sperm
  • Preventing eggs from being released by the ovaries
  • Changing the cervical mucus to hinder sperm from moving into the uterus
  • Altering the tissue lining the uterus so that a fertilized egg can’t implant

¿Cuáles son los diferentes tipos de métodos anticonceptivos?

Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de opciones de anticoncepción y podemos brindarle el mejor método de anticoncepción en función de sus necesidades médicas y sociales. Además, nos especializamos en consultas sobre anticoncepción para mujeres con afecciones médicas graves.

No prescription required

Some methods that don’t require a prescription from your healthcare provider include:

  • Abstinence - Not having sex
  • Spermicides - Foams or creams placed inside the vagina to kill sperm These may also provide some protection against sexually transmitted infections. This is especially possible when used with a latex condom
  • Male condom - A thin tube made of latex or a natural material that is placed over the penis. The sperm is collected in the end of the condom. Latex condoms may provide some protection against sexually transmitted infections
  • Female condom - A liner made of latex or natural material that is placed inside the vagina. Latex condoms may provide some protection against sexually transmitted infections
  • Natural family planning - Timing sex to avoid fertile days using various methods of monitoring body temperature. It also involves watching for changes in cervical mucus, and the use of ovulation prediction kits. This method, often known as the rhythm method, has a high risk for pregnancy
Visit your healthcare provider

Some methods that require a visit to your healthcare provider for an exam and a prescription include:

  • Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) - Medicines taken daily that prevent ovulation by controlling pituitary hormone secretion. Usually, oral contraceptives contain the hormones estrogen and progestin
  • Mini-pill - Unlike the traditional birth control pill, the mini-pill has only the hormone, progestin. Taken daily, the mini-pill thickens cervical mucus and prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. The mini-pill also can decrease the flow of your period and protect against pelvic inflammatory disease and ovarian and endometrial cancer
  • Implant - A capsule containing the synthetic hormone etonogestrel is implanted under the skin in the upper arm of a woman. This continuously prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg for up to 3 years. A local anesthetic is needed for insertion and removal of this type of birth control
  • Injection - A progesterone-like drug given by injection to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation. The effects last for about 3 months and another injection must be given to continue birth control effectiveness
  • Patch - This is a skin patch worn on the body that releases the hormones estrogen and progestin into the bloodstream. It is most effective in women who weigh less than 198 pounds
  • Diaphragm or cervical cap - A dome-shaped rubber cup with a flexible rim that is inserted through the vagina to cover the cervix. This type of birth control must be inserted before having sex
  • Hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring - A ring that is placed inside the vagina around the cervix. The ring releases the hormones estrogen and progestin
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) - Devices placed in the uterus through the cervix by a healthcare provider. The IUD works by thickening cervical mucus to make it hard for sperm to enter the cervix. Or by preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. IUDs containing hormones are also called intrauterine systems and must be replaced every 5 years, while copper IUDs can last up to 10 years

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Contenido relacionado

El embarazo y el nacimiento pueden ser un tiempo complicado para una mujer y su cuerpo. El Centro de Salud Reproductiva de ChristianaCare puede apoyar a las mujeres durante este tiempo y ofrecer tratamientos adaptados a las necesidades de cada mujer.
El Centro de salud reproductiva de ChristianaCare se especializa en técnicas anticonceptivas innovadoras y brinda servicios reproductivos integrales, especialmente para pacientes con problemas médicos complejos.

Comuníquese con nosotros

Center for Women's OB/GYN and Reproductive Health

4735 Ogletown Stanton Road
MAP2, Suite 1109
Newark, DE 19713

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