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Para pacientes

Prácticas éticas

ChristianaCare se compromete a brindar atención integral a los pacientes.

Brindamos atención a los pacientes con principios éticos 

ChristianaCare se compromete a prestar atención a los pacientes y a llevar a cabo operaciones comerciales de manera ética y de conformidad con su misión, sus valores principales, los requisitos regulatorios y las políticas.

En Prácticas Clínicas, ChristianaCare:

  • Consistently support clinical excellence and patient safety, evaluating competency through credentialing and performance review, and monitoring quality and efficiency through the Performance Improvement and Utilization Management programs.
  • Inform patients and family of their options for care including associated risks, benefits and alternatives.
  • Inform patients and families of unanticipated outcomes, including those potentially associated with an error in care.
  • Meet individual patient needs through collaborative use of resources.
  • Consider cultural, religious and personal values and beliefs when providing care or services.
  • Provide a standard of care and services that meets identified needs of patients, regardless of payment source.
  • Provide access to services for the identified needs of our patients regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any other factor that may form the basis for discrimination.
  • In medical teaching and research, use resources wisely, maximizing learning while protecting patients and complying with regulatory requirements.
  • Allow patients the option to perform or refuse tasks in or for ChristianaCare that may be part of their therapeutic treatment plan.

En Prácticas Operativas, ChristianaCare:

  • Deliver only those services ChristianaCare can safely and effectively provide.
  • Maintain a safe environment for patients, care providers and visitors.
  • Establish relationships with other organizations, third-party payors and vendors in a fair and ethical manner.
  • Comply with applicable state and federal laws, including those affecting the qualifications of the corporation for participation in Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  • Provide resources such as administration, Human Resources, Patient Relations, Member Services and the Ethics Consultation Subcommittee to resolve questions and concerns to the satisfaction of those associated with ChristianaCare.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest at all levels to support objective decision making.
  • Maintain patient information and sensitive personnel and management issues in a confidential manner.
  • Truthfully represent itself and its capabilities in marketing and advertising activities.
  • Enforce rules that prevent solicitation or distribution from interfering with patient care and business operations.

En Prácticas Financieras, ChristianaCare:

  • Invoice patients or third parties only for services provided.
  • Provide assistance to patients seeking to understand the charges relative to their care and services.
  • Attempt to fairly resolve conflicts associated with patient billing.
  • Provide a 24-hour employee compliance hotline for reporting suspected breaches in financial practice.

En Prácticas con el Empleado, ChristianaCare:

  • Recognize that there may be situations where conflicts arise related to an employee’s religious or ethical beliefs and cultural or moral values that impact their willingness to participate in certain aspects of patient care. When such conflicts arise, employees will be permitted to request exclusion from certain aspects of patient care. There is no guarantee that the request will be granted, because patient care cannot be compromised.
  • Require employees and others associated with ChristianaCare to be responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the organization’s documents and records.
  • Require that employees with authority to recommend employment or approve purchases of supplies, services or equipment report to their supervisor any potential conflict of interest or confirm that no conflict of interest exists.
  • Require managers to explain to their staff the conflict-of-interest policy of ChristianaCare.
  • Seek to avoid situations in which responsible employees or others associated with ChristianaCare might be or appear to be compromised by outside obligations. Such persons shall not enter into arrangements that could result in improper payment or benefit to the employee or ChristianaCare.

Servicio de consultas relacionadas con la ética

ChristianaCare brinda un servicio de consultas relacionadas con la ética para usted y su familia. Nuestro equipo de consulta incluye médicos, enfermeros, miembros del clero, expertos legales y expertos en temas de riesgo y especialistas en ética profesional. Si tiene dificultades como desacuerdo con sus médicos sobre el tratamiento, confusión sobre qué decisión debe tomar para un familiar que está demasiado enfermo para hablar por sí mismo y necesidad de ayuda y orientación sobre cualquier pregunta o problema moral y ético, solicite una consulta ética.

Si desea programar la consulta, su médico y enfermero pueden organizarla por usted. O bien, simplemente puede llamar al Centro de Información de ChristianaCare al 302-733-1000 y decirle al operador que desea hablar con el equipo de ética, disponible las 24 horas del día.

Contenido relacionado

Mientras sea nuestro huésped, trabajaremos arduamente para brindarle la mejor atención médica en un ambiente seguro y cómodo.
Conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades como paciente usando esta guía completa, que aborda temas como privacidad y respeto.