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Community Health Outreach and Education

Breast Cancer

Learn things you can do to lower your risk.

Lower Your Risk

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in American women. Look around you. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. While you can’t change some of the things that put you at risk — like family history, your age or ethnicity — click here to learn things you can do to lower your risk.

Finding breast cancer and starting treatment early increases your chances of successfully beating breast cancer. Are you doing these three things?

    Screening for Life and Health Care Connection

    Don’t let lack of insurance or copays keep you from getting a mammogram!

    Screening for Life and the Health Care Connection Screening for Life provides payment for cancer screening tests recommended by your doctor if you meet age, income and insurance guidelines. This program is a cooperative effort of the Delaware Division of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Health Care Connection simplifies the eligibility screening process to help uninsured Delawareans access primary care and medical specialists, disease prevention services — such as cancer screenings — and helps ensure access to prescription programs, laboratory and radiology services.

    Woman getting checked for breast cancer

    Pink Ribbon

    The Pink Ribbon program is a free service that helps women find community resources and funding for mammograms and other needed care. Our navigators can help you:

        • Schedule appointments.
        • Find transportation.
        • Find funding to cover the cost of the mammogram, if needed.

        We are also available to be with you as a support person during the screening and will help you learn more about breast cancer risks, early detection and treatment options.

        To schedule a mammogram through the Pink Ribbon program, call 302-623-4746.

        The Story of BRENDA

        Delaware women — especially African-American Delaware women — are among those at highest risk in the nation for the aggressive triple negative breast cancer.

        Volunteer speakers are now available to share The Story of BRENDA, a free educational program on triple negative breast cancer and its impact on the African-American community.

        Although BRENDA is not a real person, the acronym helps women remember key steps for reducing their risk of breast cancer, especially the aggressive triple negative form of the disease for which there currently is no targeted treatment.

        The Story of BRENDA
        Triple Negative Breast Cancer

        Triple Negative Breast Cancer can affect women of any race, but African American women have a higher risk of getting this aggressive form of breast cancer. And, in Delaware the number of women with triple negative breast cancer is higher than anywhere else in the nation.

        A group of staff and community volunteers decided to take on Triple Negative Breast Cancer by building networks throughout our community to educate neighbors about cancer risk assessment, prevention, early detection, treatment options and clinical research trials.

        To help community health ambassadors educate women about this aggressive form of breast cancer, they created The Story of BRENDA — a free community education program. The acronym BRENDA helps women remember key steps they can take to reduce their risk for Triple Negative Breast Cancer:


        Reduce alcohol.


        Nutritious foods.

        Don’t smoke.

        Achieve a healthy body weight.

        To learn more about the Story of BRENDA™ or schedule a free presentation for your community group, contact ChristianaCare’s Community Health Outreach Department at the Graham Cancer Center at 302-623-4661 or complete a request form below.

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        Wellness in the Community

        Each fall, more than 150 women gather for Every Woman Matters, a free health and wellness breakfast to learn more about cancer prevention, screenings and treatment. The popular annual event is also an opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors and honor those who have faced a cancer journey.

        A collection of women celebrating

        Related Content

        For the Love of Health Podcast

        Learn how a victory in eliminating a racial disparity for a completely different form of cancer is spurring the call to action to address breast cancer, and how success in Delaware could apply nationwide, on the ChristianaCare podcast, For the Love of Health.

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        We provide a vast array of cancer outpatient services under one roof, making care more convenient, efficient and effective.
        What’s My Risk of Developing Breast Cancer?

        Contact Us

        Community Health Outreach and Education Program

        Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute
        4701 Ogletown-Stanton Road,
        Newark, DE 19713


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