Surgical Care
Information needed for a safe and successful surgery.
ChristianaCare’s new Center for Surgical Optimization helps to make sure everyone involved in your care has all of the information needed for a safe and successful surgery. This includes your surgeon, your specialists, your primary care physician, and the doctors, nurses and staff who will care for you while you are in the hospital.
If your surgeon sends a referral to the CSO office, you will receive a phone call from a Christiana Care scheduler. They will make you an in-person visit with one of our preoperative specialists in the Surgical Optimization office and a phone interview with a Perioperative Evaluation and Preparation (PEP) nurses. The PEP interview will be scheduled before your CSO appointment to gather medical information to prepare you for your visit. For your convenience, you can choose to have your in-person visit at Wilmington Hospital or Christiana Hospital in Medical Arts Pavilion (MAP) 1.
Your 45-minute appointment may be held in-person. A support person is welcome to join in-person phone or video appointments.
Lab testing and an EKG can be completed during your appointment. Please bring any lab prescription give to you be your surgeon or any additional lab prescriptions you may have ordered. Based on your physical exam, you may be asked to complete more testing or be sent for an additional clearance by a specialist.
Your Center for Surgical Optimization team will share information from your appointment with your primary care physician, specialists and surgeon to ensure you are ready for surgery and to equip them with all of the information they need to provide the best possible care.
Medical Arts Pavilion 1, Suite 112
4745 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Newark, DE 19713
501 West 14th Street
Main Entrance Office 1N37
Wilmington, DE 19801