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Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

Aiding you with your speech therapy against Parkinson's disease.

The Challenges of Parkinson's Disease

Only those living through it can truly appreciate the challenges of Parkinson’s disease. This chronic and progressive disorder caused by the death of vital neurons in the brain affects movement. It often starts with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand that may progress to both hands, arms, legs, jaw and face. It can also lead to stiffness in the limbs or trunk of the body, slowed movement, impaired balance and coordination and problems with articulation.

LSVT LOUD® Therapy

In addition to affecting, walking and use of the arms, Parkinson’s can make speech difficult. Our speech and language pathologists certified in Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD specialize in therapeutic treatment to improve vocal loudness by stimulating the muscles used in speech. Typically involving four one-hour sessions each week for a month, the intensive LSVT LOUD therapy stimulates the motor system and incorporate sensory awareness to help patients increase and become comfortable with the volume of their voice.

LSVT LOUD® includes:

  • Voice exercises based on sensory feedback.
  • Training to increase volume and variation in speech.
  • Guidance in improving voice quality.

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment not only improves voice and speech skills, but also helps improve movement, often showing results within the first hour of treatment.

LSVT LOUD is also showing promise for individuals with stroke, multiple sclerosis, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy.

SPEAK OUT!® for Parkinson’s Disease

Developed by the Parkinson Voice Project, SPEAK OUT!® is a speech therapy program that strives to reduce the speech impediments caused by Parkinson’s disease and help you to continue to interact with others.

Typically a 12-session program, you will work with a speech-language pathologist on voice and cognitive exercises. In addition to the sessions, you will be asked to do daily speech exercises.

After completing the SPEAK OUT!® program, you can continue to receive support through the LOUD Crowd.® These group sessions will allow you to continue to perform exercises and to practice skills while benefiting from the camaraderie, encouragement and support of others.

Schedule an Appointment

 To make an appointment, please call 302-623-1500.

To learn more about SPEAK OUT!® and the LOUD CROWD®, call 302-320-6732.

Concord Health Center View Location

161 Wilmington-West Chester Pike
Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Springside Plaza View Location

Connor Building
300 Biddle Ave.
Newark, DE 19702

Middletown CareCenter View Location

124 Sleepy Hollow Drive,
Middletown, DE 19709

Emergency entrance of Wilmington Hospital

Wilmington Hospital View Location

501 West 14th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

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