Substance abuse is a deeply personal process that can be triggered through a variety of factors such as life circumstances, loss or self-medication. For women, this can relate to fertility, hormones, breastfeeding and menopause, or certain medications are used beyond their intended use. In addition, women can have other unique reasons for overusing drugs, including weight control, exhaustion, pain and mental problems.
You may have had a choice when you first started using drugs or alcohol. But, after a while, these drugs change the structure and functioning of your brain. Once you are addicted, the urge to use the substance you are addicted to becomes so powerful that you may continue using it without thinking about what could happen.
Substance abuse can include behavioral and physical signs such as:
If you need referral information, to retrieve patient records, schedule an appointment or just more information, please call 302-320-2100.
The first step is admitting you have a problem and you need help. The next is accepting that treatment takes time. Short-term, one-time treatments hardly ever work. The best treatment programs offer multiple services over time. Some programs may offer education and support for your family. Studies show that anything less than 90 days is not long enough.
Here are resources that you can use to take the next steps:
ChristianaCare and Connections have partnered with New Castle County to create the Community Substance Overdose Support (SOS) Program to help people in our community who are struggling with addiction. Community SOS offers people hope and support when they need it the most. Community SOS engagement specialists will connect with individuals in their homes or within their communities to discuss how they can help support their recovery. Engagement specialists offer:
To contact Community SOS, please email or call 302-428-6593.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, getting into treatment is an important first step. The State of Delaware offers a list of resources for substance abuse counseling and treatment at You can also locate help and information at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at and the National Institute on Drug Abuse at