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Primary Care Services

Primary Care at Home

When you need care at home, we’ll be there.

About Primary Care at Home

Many people who need medical care are unable to get it because they cannot leave home. ChristianaCare Primary Care at Home is ready to respond to your needs. We help you meet the medical, emotional and social challenges you may face.

If you have questions or concerns, you can call our practice at 302-320-5700 or bring it up at your next appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our experienced staff provides each patient with a team of experienced, compassionate health care professionals. Our doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses make house calls, bringing medical care to you at home. Through regularly scheduled visits, our team becomes familiar with patients, caregivers and family members, forming strong relationships that promote a better quality of life for homebound patients.

Our team also consists of social workers who help relieve the stress often felt by caregivers. They use community resources to, coordinate services, arrange for transportation and meal delivery and assist with insurance and prescription coverage issues.

To meet the needs of homebound patients and their caregivers, we offer comprehensive services:

  • Responsive care management. We respond to calls within one business day.
  • Chronic disease management.
  • Identification of health and social service problems for early intervention.
  • Continuous, coordinated medical care between home and hospital.
  • Referrals to and coordination of community-based services, home laboratory and radiology services, physical therapy and occupational therapy services.
  • Compassionate end-of-life care, in partnership with hospice.

When we receive your call, our program coordinator will ask a few questions to determine if you are eligible for the program, and if so, a social worker will set up an appointment to assess your needs, prior to the medical visit.

ChristianaCare Primary Care at Home serves patients in New Castle County and Middletown.

To schedule a visit or to learn more about ChristianaCare Primary Care at Home, please call 302-320-5700.

For the Love of Health Podcast

Is turning to the internet the right approach when you need medical attention? Learn more about why the idea of a “medical home” that provides holistic support is a better approach to foster long-term well-being, on the ChristianaCare podcast, For the Love of Health.

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Primary Care First

Primary Care at Home is Participating in a New Program to Enhance Your Care: Primary Care First

Primary Care First is an innovative healthcare payment program that aims to improve our patients’ care experience by reducing administrative burdens, so our team at Primary Care at Home can spend more time with you.

Giving doctors extra support to help you get better care

Our goal has always been to provide you with the highest quality of care. Through Primary Care First, we will receive additional resources from Medicare and other health insurance companies to help us enhance our work and provide you the best quality, patient-centered care.

More information for patients with original Medicare

As part of this program, Medicare will start sharing some of your personal health information with us, such as when you receive care at hospitals, emergency departments, and specialist offices. This will help provide us with a more complete picture of your health and allow us to better coordinate your care.

If you want to stop Medicare from sharing this information, you should call
1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.

Your Medicare benefits are NOT changing, and this program is only intended to enhance the healthcare you receive at Primary Care at Home. You still have the right to use or visit any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare, at any time. Your doctor may continue to recommend that you see particular doctors for your specific health needs, but it is always your choice which doctors you use or hospital you visit.

For more information about this new Medicare program, please visit the Primary Care First webpage or call 1-800-MEDICARE.

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Contact Us

To schedule a visit or to learn more about ChristianaCare Primary Care at Home, please call 302-320-5700.