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Innovative Heart and Vascular Procedures

Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

ChristianaCare is the only health system in Delaware to offer LVAD.

What is LVAD?

Technological innovation is changing treatment for heart failure, and ChristianaCare has brought it closer to home. 

There are only about 5,000 heart transplants a year in the United States. For those with heart failure who can’t get a transplant, there are few long-term options. One of those options is called LVAD, which stands for left-ventricular assist device. An LVAD is a surgically implanted mechanical pump to help improve blood flow from your heart to the rest of your body.  This allows your body to receive more of the oxygen-rich blood that it needs to survive and feel well.

ChristianaCare is the only health system in Delaware to offer LVAD, the most advanced treatment short of transplant for people with heart failure.

Read Miguel's LVAD success story.

Miguel Denizac with the team from the Heart Failure Program Miguel Denizac with the team from the Heart Failure Program

Advanced Surgical Option with Optimal Patient Outcomes

People with advanced heart failure have often reached their maximum doses of medications and may have undergone coronary bypass or valve operations. For these patients, the LVAD can represent a bridge to heart transplantation, a bridge to recovery or a destination therapy if transplantation is not an option.

After care and benefits

At least one support person must learn how to take care of the device and the patient. The support person(s) must also join the patient for weekly hospital visits after the surgery.

LVAD benefits include:

Why Choose ChristianaCare

ChristianaCare’s Left Ventricular Assist Device Program (LVAD) was launched in 2011. LVAD is part of a comprehensive Heart Failure Program at the Center for Heart & Vascular Health that allows patients to receive tests, medications, stress management, nutrition counseling and other high-quality care without having to leave the state.

ChristianaCare is the only health system in Delaware to offer LVAD.

Awards and Recognitions


The American College of Cardiology has recognized the Center for Heart and Vascular Health at ChristianaCare with its HeartCARE Center National Distinction of Excellence award 3 years consecutively. This independent recognition as a center of excellence, which has been awarded to fewer than 50 hospitals nationally, is reserved for those centers with proven, sustained excellence across medical, radiologic and surgical services for heart care. The Center for Heart and Vascular Health has received numerous other awards for excellence in chest pain, heart attack, and heart failure care and for superior vascular and cardiac surgical services from the American Heart Association, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, the Society of Vascular Surgeons, the Joint Commission and others.

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Contact Us

The LVAD team is available to answer your questions.

For more information contact our LVAD coordinators at our Heart Failure program by calling 302-733-1663.