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Center for Rehabilitation

Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program

Award-winning expertise to help you recover from brain injury

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Why choose us? Because we can help restore your life

ChristianaCare recognizes the distinctive needs of our patients with brain injury. The Center for Rehabilitation at Wilmington Hospital (CRWH) provides a specialized rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered from either a traumatic or non-traumatic brain injury. Our acute inpatient rehabilitation program offers an individualized treatment plan for each person and family. This plan is designed to care for the patient’s unique medical, physical, cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral, vocational, educational, accessibility and leisure/recreational needs. We accept traumatic brain injury patients who demonstrate a level of Rancho Los Amigos Revised Scale (RLA-R) 5 and above.

Our care team fosters an integrated system of services that optimizes recovery, medical and lifestyle adjustment, rehabilitation participation and prevention of future injury. We use evidence based techniques to provide the most effective rehabilitation. We provide access to information, services and resources to enhance the lives of the patients we serve within their families, support systems and communities. Family support is a crucial component of the program, and Patient and Family Centered Care rooms are available to support family involvement. We strive to support each patient’s efforts for their personal health and wellness goals and help to improve their quality of life throughout their life span.

What to expect

These services are provided at an intense level of rehabilitation for patients who can participate in and benefit from a minimum of three hours of daily therapy from at least two disciplines. To be accepted at the CRWH, the medical necessity criteria must be met, and you must have physician management. The CRWH operates 24 hours/365 days per year in skilled rehabilitation nursing and inpatient medical care. Our therapy services are provided seven days a week. Patients are seen by a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician at least three times per week. 

Services Provided

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Providers
  • Rehabilitation Nursing
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Pathology
  • Psychology/Neuropsychology

* These services are offered on an as-needed or requested basis.

  • Pastoral Care*
  • Case Management/Social Work
  • Nutrition Services
  • Therapeutic Recreation
  • Support Group*

Our care team is here to help you navigate your road to recovery in brain injury rehabilitation.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Providers

Our Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation providers are physicians specially trained in rehabilitation medicine who are responsible for guiding the plan of care for each patient in our program. They will order the necessary services, tests and equipment for you. Your overall medical management is the responsibility of the physiatrist. 

Rehabilitation Nursing

Rehabilitation nursing is skilled nursing services unique to each patient with a physical disability or impairment. Our rehab nurses individualize the care plan specific to your needs. These care plans may include medication management, bowel and bladder management, skin care and positioning, hypertension and diabetes education as needed, education on the health risks of disease processes and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists will complete a thorough evaluation and develop an individualized plan of care focused on restoring mobility for you.

Your physical therapy plan may include:

  • Gait training.
  • Balance training.
  • Strengthening and range of motion.
  • Assistive device evaluation and training.
  • Elevation training.
  • Safety education.
Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapy team will complete a thorough evaluation and develop an individualized plan of care focused on basic activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL).

Your occupational therapy plan may include:

  • ADL/IADL training.
  • Adaptive device assessment and training.
  • Functional mobility skills.
  • Specialized splinting as needed.
  • Functional cognitive skill training.
  • Facilitation of movement.
  • Home safety education.
Support Group

We provide a monthly support group that is available for all patients and their families.


Clinical psychologists are available to see patients on a consultative basis. They are uniquely qualified to perform neuropsychological testing as needed. The psychologists will follow up with patients and their families for individualized counseling and therapy to ensure continuity of care after they leave our program. 

Speech Therapy

Our speech pathologist will evaluate your communication and swallowing abilities as needed. Therapy may focus on improving speaking and understanding of language, thinking and swallowing safely. The unique skills of the speech pathologist use sophisticated diagnostic tools to develop an individualized care plan for you.

Speech therapy may also include:


  • FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow).
  • Video swallow studies.
  • Cognitive linguistic evaluation and training.
  • Videostroboscopy (uses a tiny camera to view your vocal cords).
  • Neuromuscular re-education.
  • Voice therapy.
  • Specialized aphasia evaluation and treatment.
Case Management and Social Work

Case managers provide comprehensive guidance for discharge planning and navigating insurance benefits for you and your family. They can help provide the equipment needed after your discharge and give you educational resources for the next level of care.

Social work services can assist with alternative placement after discharge if you or your loved one need to go to a place other than home, such as a less intensive rehab facility. They can also provide community resources available to you and your family.

Nutritional Services

Registered dietitians evaluate the nutritional needs of each patient and provide recommendations for appropriate diets, supplements and individualized dietary plans for anyone who needs a special diet. 

Pastoral Care

Pastoral services are available as an important aspect of the total patient-centered care provided to each rehabilitation patient. Culturally sensitive and spiritually motivated chaplains can provide a support service that assists the healing process of mind, body and spirit.

Therapeutic Recreation

Recreational therapy provides meaningful activities that support the goals of each patient’s care plan. From playing cards to painting abstracts, our recreational therapists are ready to help you enjoy break time between more intensive therapy sessions or help you wind down after your busy day.

The Center for Rehabilitation at Wilmington Hospital accepts Medicare and Medicaid, commercial insurance and self-payment for services rendered. Financial counseling is available through Financial Services at Christiana Care Health System. 

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Awards and Accreditations

Contact Us

ChristianaCare Rehabilitation Services

Center for Rehabilitation
501 West 14th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Fax a referral: 302-733-1303

Emergency entrance of Wilmington Hospital

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