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Being a New Mom

Family and Pets

Getting ready for your new baby includes helping family members adjust.

Getting ready for your new baby includes helping other family members adjust. A new baby brings new sounds, new schedules, and new ways of coping for everyone. Most families soon find ways to adjust to the changes that take place. But it’s helpful to prepare some family members and family pets for what’s ahead.

To look after your baby, you and your partner will become more of a team than ever to keep the child safe, healthy and happy.
A new baby will bring enormous changes to any family. The changes are often the most difficult for the older brothers and sisters.
A thorough veterinary exam is essential to examine health. It’s important to begin preparing your cat or dog for a new baby.

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Partner Relationships

To look after your baby, you and your partner will become more of a team than ever to keep the child safe, healthy and happy.


Most parents with pets have questions about how a new baby will affect their dog or cat. Find out more on our website.


A new baby will bring enormous changes to any family. The changes are often the most difficult for the older brothers and sisters.