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Women's Mental Health

Depression & Anxiety

Mental health is as important as physical health.

Specialist Mental Care

Women with anxiety disorders such as social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorders are often living lives of distress and exhaustion. 

This can take its toll and even lead into depression, which turns worrying into fear, irrational thoughts and a reduction in willingness to deal with the issues.

For us, mental health is as important as physical health which is why we offer specialist mental care just for women, helping them explore the causes for their illness and providing guidance and treatment at every step.

Woman looking out window while another woman comforts her

Are you in crisis?

Call the Center for Women’s Emotional Wellness on 302-733-6662.

If you feel you pose an immediate danger to yourself, your baby or others, please call 911 or immediately go to the emergency room of Wilmington Hospital or Christiana Hospital.

You can also call our Psychiatric Crisis Team 24 hours a day 302-320-2118. They are a group of specially trained registered nurses who are available 24 hours a day for emergency response. The team offers immediate intervention for those in crisis because of psychiatric illness.


Other specific services include:

  • The Center for Women’s Emotional Wellness that supports women before, during and after pregnancy.
  • When you had your baby, you expected to feel joy and an unbreakable bond with this new little life, but instead there may be despair, panic and sadness. If you are experiencing these kinds of emotions, ChristianaCare offer support to those suffering from a perinatal mood disorder, perinatal anxiety, or both.
  • The Center for Women’s Emotional Wellness offers a comprehensive program available to you during pregnancy and after delivery.
  • These disorders are very treatable, and you can recover.
  • For people who are caring for a loved one and are finding themselves in need of help. We have a large number of resources available and can help you manage your own feelings, while you help to care for someone else.

Psychologists in integrated health care

Support for pregnant women and new moms

  • Every Thursday between 6-7pm we run a free Support Group.
  • No registration required.
  • Christiana Hospital Maternity Building Room 1900 (Women’s Health Practice) 4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Newark, DE 19718 directions
  • Discuss and share: Adjustment challenges, depression, or anxiety during pregnancy and after your baby is born. Coping methods and concerns during the adjustment period and challenges of new motherhood.
For more information, call 302-733-6662 or e-mail cwew@christianacare.org.

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Center for Women's Emotional Wellness

Christiana Hospital
4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Suite 1915
Newark, DE 19718

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