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Wellness Services

Tobacco Treatment Program

Quitting smoking/vaping is one of the best things to do for your health!

Quitting is Hard, But We Can Help

Quitting Tobacco Help Line

Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania Quitline: 1-866-QUIT NOW
New Jersey Quitline: 1-800-NJ STOPS

Looking for help within ChristianaCare?
Cancer Center quit program: 302-623-4661

Live Tobacco Free

Using tobacco greatly increases your risk for cancer, heart attacks, breathing problems and stroke. Even secondhand smoke can cause asthma and other breathing problems.

Quitting tobacco lowers your risk for heart and lung problems, cancer and other illnesses. You will have more energy too. Learn more about the effects of smoking and how to succeed in living tobacco free.

Cigarette being broken in half

Pregnant women who smoke or vape are at greater risk for complications such as preterm labor, premature birth and lower birth weight babies. The dangers of smoking and vaping do end once the baby is delivered. Second and third-hand smoke and vaping aerosols can be very harmful to your newborn’s health and development.

Learn more about how smoking or vaping can affect your baby’s health and how to protect them. 

What Are Tobacco Products?

All of the items in the picture to the right are considered tobacco products. We can help you quit any of them.

Infographic showing various types of tobacco-based products

Effects of Nicotine and Vaping

Harmful Effects of Nicotine
Harmful Effects of Vaping

What Happens When You Quit

Ready to Quit

Step 1: Think about why you smoke or vape

Understanding why you started and continue can help to prepare you for those moments you miss it and dealing with withdraw symptoms and cravings.

Step 2: Think about the reasons for quitting

Your reasons for wanting to quit is a great motivator. Try writing down your top 3 reasons and keep it where you can see it every day. This is an excellent reminder of why you wanted to quit in the first place. 

Step 3: Planning

Pick a quit date. Quit at your own pace by choosing a quite date (the day you want to quit) that works best for YOU.

Use quit medication:

Control your environment. Get rid of all tobacco products (cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, vape pens, tanks, mods, etc.). Try to avoid your “normal” smoking or vaping habits- places, times, friends/family and places you buy them.

Step 4: Support from family and friends

Talk to your family and friends about your plan and ask them for their support. Remind them that you are in charge of your quit attempt. You make the rules. Ask them to NOT offer advice or tell you what they think the problem is and to NOT nag you or make negative comments. This makes it more stressful!


You may be a candidate for a lung cancer screening. A low dose CT scan screening can help detect lung cancer at an early stage in current or former heavy smokers.

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