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Women's Mental Health

Memory Loss

Also known as amnesia, common memory loss can have many symptoms.

Swank Memory Care Center

Also known as amnesia, common memory loss can have many symptoms and causes for women.

Sometimes, it may be the result of something normal and treatable such as stress, anxiety, depression or sleeping problems. However, it may be an indicator of something else, especially with older people, which is why we urge you or your loved one to get in touch with our expert team if any memory loss persists.

Swank Memory Care Center can help in many ways. Our multidisciplinary team allows input from geriatricians, as well as from our geriatric psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, medical assistant, social worker, community educator and administrative staff.

Older woman with caring younger woman

The team works together to conduct a comprehensive memory assessment, collaborate with primary care clinicians, refer to appropriate specialists, schedule appointments, coordinate care, discuss treatment, caregiving options, and provide vital follow-up care. We are here for you and your significant other with the support you need every step of the way.

Schedule an appointment

Do I need to complete any forms prior to my appointment?

Yes, please call 302-320-2620 for more information.

Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral to make an appointment at Swank Memory Care Center. Please call 302-320-2620 to schedule an appointment.


Your loved one’s healthcare provider will do a medical exam. This will include a look at prescription and over-the-counter medicine used. It will also look at the person’s diet, medical history, and overall health. A complete physical exam will be done. If needed, brain imaging will be done. A memory problem may be caused by:

  • Drug reaction.
  • Depression.
  • Thyroid problem.
  • Dehydration.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Stroke.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Dementia.

Check with a healthcare provider if your loved one is:

  • Unable to remember familiar things or people.
  • More and more forgetful or has trouble remembering recent events.
  • Having trouble doing familiar things, such as cooking.
  • Getting disoriented driving or walking in places that were formerly very familiar.

Initial history and other screening assessments are performed on-site. A full battery of assessments is available to help us understand a patient’s cognitive, functional, and behavioral status.

We offer help with scheduling appointments and consultations with local neurologists, psychiatrists and other behavioral health specialists.

A physician, social worker, and community educator evaluate patients and caregivers, incorporating input from other members of the treatment team as part of each visit.

Caregiver support is provided, including caregiver training and resource referrals. The treatment team communicates with each patient’s primary care providers and other caregivers to ensure coordination of care.

For interested individuals, referral to clinical trials may be an option.

If you’re caring for someone with memory problems, these tips may help. You may be able to help keep her confidence, independence, and dignity for as long as possible.

  • Be flexible, patient, and help the person try to remember what she can.
  • Make it easier for her to remember new information. For instance, keep new information simple and repeat it often. Break down new activities into small steps.
  • Provide verbal cues rather than ask questions. For example, say: “This is Jane, your cousin, who has come to see you.” Don’t say: “This is Jane. Do you remember who she is?”
  • Establish a regular routine. This will help the person feel more secure and make it easier for her to remember what usually happens during the day. Too much variety and stimulation can be confusing.
  • Writing down important pieces of information can be helpful.
  • Learn what to expect. For example, managing irritation may be easier if you understand your husband can’t remember how to unload the dishwasher because of his disease. It is not because he doesn’t want to be helpful.
  • Seek help from family and friends.

The Swank Memory Care Center at ChristianaCare is Delaware’s first and only comprehensive outpatient office for patients with memory disorders and their families.

Our geriatricians, geriatric psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, social worker, community educator and medical and administrative assistant work closely with primary care providers and additional specialists such as neurologists and neuropsychologists to develop an optimal plan for care.

The Swank Memory Care Center is a collaborative care program of ChristianaCare’s departments of Medicine, Family & Community Medicine and Psychiatry.

“The Swank Memory Care Center stands alone. It is the only place that was therefore not only the patient, but was a constant source of support for the caregiver and family.” – A grateful caregiver.

Classes & Seminars

Living a Brain Healthy Lifestyle

Swank Memory Ambassadors are trained clinician volunteers committed to helping you learn more about memory disorders with a focus on enhancing brain health through free, confidential screening and memory wellness education programs.  We have helpful tips to share about nutrition, physical activity, mental stimulation and fall prevention.

Three senior citizens smiling outdoors in the sunlight

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Swank Center for Memory Care at Wilmington

ChristianaCare Wilmington Campus
501 W. 14th Street
Gateway Building, 5th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

Emergency entrance of Wilmington Hospital

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