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Cardiovascular Imaging

Loop Monitor

Monitor the electrical activity of your heart as you perform activities.

What is a Loop Monitor?

A loop monitor is a test that monitors the electrical activity of your heart as you perform activities of daily living. The monitor is worn for 30 days. It allows you to record an ECG as you are experiencing a particular symptom, such as chest pain, dizziness or irregular heartbeats.

There is no special preparation prior to wearing the monitor.

What to Expect During a Loop Monitor Test

  • The procedure for the loop monitor will be explained by a nurse or technician prior to application of the monitor.
  • The nurse or technician will apply a few electrodes to your chest, which will allow your cardiogram to be recorded. The monitor will then be attached. It weighs about 1 pound.
  • Each time you have a symptom, you will make a recording using the monitor.
  • At the end of the 30-day period, our cardiologist will gather a report from all the recordings sent to the monitoring company. The cardiologist will then submit a written report to your personal physician. Your personal physician will explain the results of the loop monitor and their implications to you.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment, contact the location most convenient to you.

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