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Cancer Research

Research Partnerships

Our partnerships are here to help you.

Wistar Institute

The Wistar Institute is the nation’s first independent institution devoted to medical research and training. The Wistar Institute has evolved from its beginnings as an anatomical teaching museum to its present-day status as an international leader in basic biomedical research.

In 1972, The Wistar Institute was designated a National Cancer Institute Cancer Center in basic research — a distinction it holds to this day.

Wistar discoveries have led to the development of vaccines for rabies, rubella, and rotavirus, the identification of genes associated with breast, lung, and prostate cancer, and the development of monoclonal antibodies and other significant research technologies and tools.

University of Delaware

The University of Delaware is a doctoral/research university-extensive institution. The University of Delaware has grown from its founding as a small private academy in 1743 to a major university. The university enrolls over 16,000 undergraduate students and nearly 3,000 graduate students. As one of the oldest land-grant institutions, as well as a sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant institution, the University of Delaware offers an impressive collection of educational resources. Undergraduates choose among more than 100 academic majors. The University of Delaware’s distinguished faculty includes internationally known scientists, authors and teachers, who are committed to continuing the university’s nationally recognized tradition of providing one of the highest quality undergraduate educations available. As a state-assisted, privately controlled institution, the university seeks to enroll students from diverse backgrounds and a wide variety of geographic regions. Currently, 60 percent of Newark campus undergraduates are nonresidents who represent nearly every state and several foreign countries. The University of Delaware is strongly committed to enrolling and retaining minority students.

University of Delaware faculty members currently receive more than $21 million of NIH-funded grant awards including to three NIH-funded Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). Each of these centers supports projects involving faculty spanning multiple departments and colleges within the university. Part of the COBRE mission is to develop novel graduate training avenues and to support new faculty in research projects that can develop into significant independent projects, e.g., NIH Research Project Grant Program (RO1s). The Delaware Biotechnology Institute, an academic unit of the University of Delaware, administers the $25 million NIH-research-funded IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE), which includes all state institutions of higher education as well as Nemours / A.I. du Pont Hospital for Children and ChristianaCare. The INBRE goal is to develop the biomedical research capacity in the State of Delaware through strengthened life sciences infrastructure, mentored research for junior faculty and clinicians who wish to engage in translational research as well as research training for undergraduate and graduate students.

Nemours / A.I. du Pont Hospital for Children

A.I. du Pont Hospital for Children (AIDHC) is a part of Nemours, an independent non-profit entity that provides health care, including cancer treatment, to children at multiple sites in Delaware and Florida. During the past ten years, the hospital in Delaware has experienced tremendous growth, developing into a full-service children’s hospital with a full range of pediatric specialties, such that Nemours is now the nation’s largest group medical practice devoted to pediatric patient care. This division provides direct support to 15 programmatic laboratories, seven core laboratories, and seven clinical research laboratories. The clinical research labs emphasize generation and adoption of new clinical diagnostics. AIDHC investigators are currently involved in 19 clinical trials, 32 non-federal grants and 22 federal grants.

KidsHealth.org was launched in 1995 and is now the world’s largest provider of doctor-approved healthcare information. The large contingent of staff that is committed to maintain and expand this service demonstrates the extraordinary commitment of Nemours to its community outreach programs. Nemours is committed to expanding its biomedical research efforts. Additional investigators have been recruited, state-of-the-art equipment purchased and core research facilities strengthened. A Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant supports a Center for Pediatric Research (CPR) that is designed to train basic and physician-scientists whose work focuses directly on disorders in children including pediatric cancer.

Rice University / BioScience Research Collaborative

The Rice University / BioScience Research Collaborative is an innovative space where scientists and educators from Rice University and other Texas Medical Center institutions work together to perform leading research that benefits human medicine and health. More than just a building, it is an interdisciplinary, inter-institutional catalyst for new and better ways to collaborate, explore, learn and lead.

The BioScience Research Collaborative is thoughtfully designed to facilitate and encourage interactions among researchers. It is equipped for cutting-edge laboratory, theoretical and computational investigations, and features ten floors of research labs, centers, Rice classrooms and auditoriums. It is designed to eventually accommodate a visualization center and an entire floor dedicated to biomedical informatics.

Delaware Biotechnology Institute

The Delaware Biotechnology Institute is a magnet for life science research and development. The institute supports multidisciplinary, collaborative academic research at all of Delaware’s research organizations including the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, ChristianaCare, Nemours / A.I. du Pont Hospital for Children, Wesley College, and Delaware Technical and Community College. The institute fosters academic-industrial research partnerships and work to support the local bioscience industry (from start-ups to multinationals) in partnership with the Delaware Bioscience Association. The institute is also committed to inspiring the next generation scientist and the professional development of their teachers through our Science for All Delawareans outreach programs.

The institute is the physical home to a number of research laboratories with scientists, students, and faculty working on problems related to agriculture, human health, and energy and the environment. The institute is also home to a number of high end instrumentation facilities that are accessible for use by the entire life science community in Delaware and our infrastructure, mission, and staff allow us to support life scientists (academic, not for profit, and industrial) from around the region. The institute’s research has been recognized internationally.

Contact Us

Cancer Research Program

Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute
4701 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 2200,
Newark, DE 19713

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