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Community Health

Delaware Medical-Legal Partnership

Advocating on behalf of economically disadvantaged adults and children.

Information on Delaware Medical-Legal Partnership

ChristianaCare’s Delaware Medical-Legal partnership (DMLP) in partnership with Community Legal Aid Society, Inc., advocates on behalf of economically disadvantaged adults and children and offers free, onsite civil legal services to patients who meet certain income and health care eligibility criteria.

The DMLP integrates poverty lawyers into the health care team to help address social determinants of health, legal matters or needs that have an impact on the patient’s health.

DMLP legal assistance can help eligible patients and their families with a variety of challenges, including:

  • Denials or terminations of public health benefits like Medicaid, food stamps or Social Security.
  • Eviction defense.
  • Threatened utility shut-offs.
  • Obtaining reasonable accommodations from employers.
  • Advance health care directives or powers-of-attorney.
Community Health

4000 Nexus Drive
Wilmington, DE 19803

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