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Cancer Research

Gynecology Oncology Research

Improving early diagnosis and management of epithelial ovarian cancer.

Extending the Boundaries

Graham Cancer Center gynecologic oncologists are collaborating with a research team at Wistar’s Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis Program focusing on new plasma and tissue biomarkers to improve early diagnosis and clinical management of epithelial ovarian cancer. Philanthropic support will allow researchers to translate this bench research into new therapies and biomarkers used at the patient’s bedside.

Improving Detection and Treatment at the Molecular Level

More than 22,000 women will be newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. Notoriously difficult to detect, ovarian cancer is typically not diagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage. Under the expert guidance of gynecologic oncologists Mark Borowsky, M.D., Mark Cadungog, M.D., and Stephanie Jean, M.D., ChristianaCare’s Translational Cancer Research Program in ovarian cancer is focused on advancing research in ways to identify targets that will outsmart ovarian cancers on a molecular and personalized level. Previous philanthropic support has allowed us to jump-start the program by creating a biorepository of diverse tissue samples for basic bench research. Through tumor molecular profiling and DNA sequencing, the researchers are able to identify and understand different mutations, leading to new treatment options and earlier detection options.

Gnecology Oncology Research A-Z Services List

Gynecology Oncology Research Areas

The Gynecologic Oncology Division at the Helen F Graham Cancer Center has participated in phase 2 and 3 clinical research through the National Cancer Institute.

Key Publications

A selection of publications on Gynecology Oncology.

Research Members

Members of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center and Research Institute and Wistar Institute.