Physical Therapy
LSVT BIG focuses on repetitive core movements used in daily living.
Only those living through it can truly appreciate the challenges of Parkinson’s disease. This chronic and progressive disorder caused by the death of vital neurons in the brain affects movement. It often starts with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand that may progress to both hands, arms, legs, jaw and face. It can also lead to stiffness in the limbs or trunk of the body, slowed movement and impaired balance and coordination.
Parkinson’s affects, walking, use of the arms and speech. Our physical and occupational therapists certified in Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG specialize in using repetitive, exaggerated (BIG) movements that increase dopamine production in the brain to improve speed of movement.
LSVT BIG focuses on repetitive core movements used in daily living and is most effective when started as soon as Parkinson’s is diagnosed, even before symptoms worsen.
LSVT BIG also benefits those with motor function affected by stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.
To make an appointment, please call 302-623-1500.