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Community Health Outreach and Education

Mandarin-Speaking Community

Find the right cancer screening program for you in Delaware.



克里斯蒂安医院(ChristianaCare)对外联络部联络员Xiangfen Fen Gu 往来于New Castle County 和使用中文普通话的居民分享生命救助的健康资讯。她的目标是帮助您明白您的患癌风险,学习如何减低这种风险,和在特拉华找到适合您的癌症筛查项目。





完成申请癌症筛查项目或州立和特拉华健康市场(Delaware Health Marketplace)保险覆盖的表格填写


访问我们的事件簿看看Fen Gu 何时在New Castle Farmer‘s Market 和中文社区分享健康资讯。

拨打302-623-4622 了解更多中文服务。

    group of people standing and sitting around a table

    Xiangfen Gu (middle) helped Qiu qi Li and Mei zhen Dong, owners of the Golden Palace restaurant in Newark, find lifesaving cancer prevention screenings such as colonoscopies, Pap smears and mammograms right here in Delaware, without having to travel to Chinatown in Philadelphia or New York City. Xiangfen Gu (右) 帮助 Qiu qi Li 和Mei zhen Dong,纽瓦克(Newark) Golden Palace 饭店的老板,就在特拉华找到了相关癌症筛查项目,如肠镜,宫颈刮片检查和乳腺钼靶检查,免除了需要去费城或纽约唐人街做检查的麻烦。

    Find the Right Cancer Screening Program for You in Delaware

    ChristianaCare’s community educator Xiangfen Fen Gu travels throughout New Castle County to share life-saving health information with those who speak Mandarin Chinese. Her goal is to help you understand your risk for cancer, learn how to reduce that risk, and find cancer screening programs available to you right here in Delaware.

      A member of the Chinese Medical Association, she can help you:

        • Find ways to make you and your family healthier.
        • Learn how to prevent health problems.
        • Make appointments for health problems or check-ups.
        • Complete forms for scheduling screenings or enrollment into state programs and the Delaware Health Marketplace for insurance coverage.
        • Connect you and your family to services for diabetes, asthma, mammograms, cancer screenings, HIV testing, dental and other health care.
        • Visit our Events page to see when Fen Gu will be at the New Castle Farmer’s Market with important health information for the Mandarin-speaking community.

        Call 302-623-4622 to learn more about services for the Mandarin-speaking community.

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          Contact Us

          Community Health Outreach and Education Program

          Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute
          4701 Ogletown-Stanton Road,
          Newark, DE 19713
