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Multidisciplinary Care

Colon, Rectal and Anal Cancer

Your team will tailor your cancer treatment for your cancer and for you.

Cancer Treatment

The Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute’s Colorectal Multidisciplinary Center specializes in treating cancers of the colon, anus, and anal canal.

Your Multidisciplinary Team

Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are used to treat rectal and anal cancers. Decades of clinical experience show that combinations of these treatments are often most effective. Your team will tailor your cancer treatment for your cancer and for you.

When you visit the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, you will meet with a team of doctors in one visit:

  • Your surgeon can order diagnostic tests, perform a biopsy to see if your tumor is malignant or operate to remove cancer if necessary.
  • Your medical oncologist can administer chemotherapy or immunotherapy that kills cancer cells.
  • Your radiation oncologist can pinpoint places where your cancer is growing and use precisely focused X-rays to reduce or destroy it.

Together, these specialists, in consultation with your primary-care doctor and with the support of your care-management team, will work with you to create the most appropriate and effective plan of treatment for your cancer.

Know Your Risk

Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment

Knowing your risk profile will enable you to take control of your health and provide you with the best defense against colorectal cancer.

This free risk assessment will take about 5 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive personalized, strictly confidential information that will help you in assess and if necessary take action.

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