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Undergraduate Medical Education

Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine

Information for underrepresented minorities rotations.

Program Overview

Sponsored by Academic Affairs, The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and The Institute for Research on Equity and Community Health’s Harrington Trust.

This program has been designed as part of a pipeline program to attract students who are underrepresented minorities in medicine (URM), as defined by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), and feature ChristianaCare as a great place to train as a physician. The AAMC recognizes the underrepresented in medicine as individuals who identify as Black or African American, Latino/Hispanic/LatinX, Native Americans (including American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiians), and mainland Puerto Ricans.

The Visiting Student Program provides support for fourth year URM students to participate in ChristianaCare’s medical student programs. These two or four-week rotations provide URM medical students with an introduction to ChristianaCare, and opportunities to connect with residency programs and faculty. The student will be immersed in the specialty of their choosing, developing a foundational knowledge of clinical and non-clinical health equity strategies.


Recipients of the stipend will receive wrap around support to remove or decrease barriers.

Recipients of this stipend will receive $3,500 for a 4-week rotation, or $1,750 for a 2-week rotation.

The program offers the following benefits, in addition to the monetary stipend:

    • Partnered with a resident throughout the rotation.
    • 5 Meal vouchers per week to any hospital cafeteria.
    • One-on-One meeting with the respective Residency Program Director.
    • One-on-One meeting with a representative from the Office of Inclusion & Diversity.
    • One-on-One meeting with Senior Physician Recruiter/I&D Lead.
    • One-on-One meeting with Harrington Trust.
    • Mid-point check-in from a member of the Academic Affairs Team.
    • Networking opportunities for students to meet with URM Faculty/Residents.

    Students are considered eligible to receive the stipend if they identify as a URM and have been accepted to a 4th year rotation in the following programs: Diagnostic or Interventional Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Emergency/Family Medicine, Emergency/Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine & Subspecialties, Medicine/Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Psychiatry.

    To apply for a rotation please complete an undergraduate medical education application.

    A supplement application for the URM stipend program can be completed here.

    Should you have any additional questions, reach out to URMProgram@christianacare.org.


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