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Testing and Lab Work

Let us help you live better.

Neurologic Testing

We offer a wide range of neurologic testing to aid in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders. EEGs, both routine and prolonged ambulatory can help to classify seizure types and aid in the diagnosis of some intermittent neurologic disorders. EMGs can aid in the accurate diagnosis of conditions such as neuropathy, radiculopathy, muscle disorders or entrapment syndromes like carpal tunnel.

Woman monitored using medical testing equipment

Our outpatient neurology practice is the largest and most comprehensive in Delaware. It is part of the ChristianaCare family of services that include the latest imaging technology and nationally recognized physical rehabilitation services. Our neurologists lead and participate in clinical trials to bring the next generation of treatments to patients. Let us help you live better.

Your doctor may order a type of neurodiagnostic testing to determine if there is a problem with your brain, nerves or muscles. It includes the following procedures:

Electromyography (EMG)

This procedure is used to test the functioning of muscles and the nerves that control the muscles. If you have a feeling of pain, numbness, tingling in your hands, feet or limbs, an EMG can help your provider identify the cause of the problem.

Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)

This test helps your provider assess the ability of the motor neurons to send electrical signals to your muscles. Electrode stickers will be placed on your skin, and mild electric impulses will be sent to the nerves through the electrodes.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

This is a test that records your brain waves or the electrical activity of your brain. The test can help your doctor to detect potential problems associated with the brain’s abnormal electrical activity.

We also offer comprehensive sleep medicine studies.

US News-Neurology And Neurosurgery Award

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Contact Us

ChristianaCare Neurology Specialists at Newark

HealthCare Center at Christiana
200 Hygeia Drive, Suite 1420,
Newark, DE 19713