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Physical Therapy

Arthritis Care

When the pain and stiffness of arthritis make it difficult.

Arthritis Care

Everyone has occasional aches and pains. But when the pain and stiffness of arthritis make it difficult to perform daily tasks — driving, dressing, climbing stairs or housework — it can stop you in your tracks. It’s natural to avoid painful movements, but instead of helping, the rest you’re trying to give your body actually causes you to lose range of motion — and that leads to even more pain.

Free Arthritis Screening

If joint pain is making if difficult for you to get through the day, call us for a free arthritis screening to assess your condition.

By answering just 10 simple questions, we can help you put a plan in place to regain range of motion through a specially designed exercise program. We’ll also teach you how to apply heat and cold to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and loosen stiff joints. We can also help you find ways to reduce the stress that excess weight and poor posture put on your joints.

A woman massages her hands to relieve pain

The joints in our bodies were made to move. Let our skilled arthritis experts help you get them moving freely — pain-freely — again.

Schedule an Appointment

 To make an appointment, please call 302-623-1500.

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