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Physical Therapy

Foot and Ankle Pain Therapy

Physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles that support your foot.

When your feet hurt, your whole body hurts.

With 26 bones and about 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, there is a lot that can go wrong with your feet. Sometimes the pain is brought on by injury — a break, fracture or sprain. Or you could have complications from wearing poorly fitting shoes, medical conditions or surgery.

Physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles that support your foot, ankle and lower leg, stabilize your ankle joint to prevent further injury, and improve flexibility, mobility and range of motion.

How We Can Help

If you suffer any of the following causes of foot and ankle pain, or have recently had foot or ankle surgery, we can help:

  • If you suffer any of the following causes of foot and ankle pain, or have recently had foot or ankle surgery, we can help:
  • Achilles rupture.
  • Achilles tendonitis/tendonosis.
  • Broken ankle.
  • Bunion.
  • Overuse injury characterized by pain and inflammation.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Stress fracture.
  • Turf toe.
A closeup of the feet of a person running on a treadmill

Schedule an Appointment

 To make an appointment, please call 302-623-1500.

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