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Kidney Transplant at ChristianaCare

Since 2007, ChristianaCare has earned a strong reputation by providing excellent care to patients with advanced kidney disease seeking evaluation and transplant services.

Our program is Medicare and UNOS approved, designations offered to only those who meet the highest standards for patient outcomes and care.

  • Quality outcomes data (1year & 3year survival).
  • Personalized service: since our program is smaller in size, we are able to provide better patient focus.
  • Patient access: most Delawareans have a participating insurance or we can assist to coordinate coverage.
  • Engaged patients who are current with their healthcare can get on the waitlist within 90 days.
  • Nearby location saves hours and costs of out-of-state travel.
For the Love of Health Podcast

The donation of an organ or tissue is perhaps the greatest gift of life and health a person can give. Learn more about ChristianaCare’s kidney transplant program, including the life-changing care received by one patient, on the ChristianaCare podcast, For the Love of Health.

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Qualifying for Kidney Transplant

Patients must meet some basic criteria in order to be considered a potential transplant candidate.

The following patients may be considered potential candidates for kidney transplantation:

  • Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease on dialysis.
  • Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (stage V with calculated or estimated GFR <20ml/min).

All patients must be fully evaluated by the transplant team to determine if transplantation is the best treatment option.

There may be times when transplantation is not the best treatment option for patients. Patients will be considered on an individual basis to determine whether the benefits of transplantation will outweigh the risks.

Transplant Waiting List

Once a patient is placed on the transplant waiting list, it is important that the kidney transplant program be notified of any changes in the patient’s condition such as surgeries and procedures, active infections, new medical diagnoses and hospitalizations.

It is also important for the transplant program to receive any updated testing results that have been performed on the patient, such as Cardiology testings and new imaging studies (i.e. CT scans, etc.).

It is very important that patients waiting for transplant contact our office with any changes in their address, phone number or insurance information.

Our program has a designated waitlist coordinator who contacts each patient monthly to check-in proactively to ask of any such changes.

    Please call 302-623-3866 if you wish to provide an update to us.

    Contact Us

    ChristianaCare Newark Campus

    Medical Arts Pavilion 2 (MAP 2), Suite 2224
    4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road,
    Newark, DE 19713

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