Senior Health
ChristianaCare's fall prevention program.
While one in three older Americans falls every year, falls don’t have to be a normal part of aging. We are committed to partnering with you to reduce your risk of falling and the serious injuries that can be caused by falls. The goal of our Safe Steps Program is to help you move safely and confidently through your golden years.
If you are an older adult (age 65+) and you have fallen, feel unsteady on your feet, or simply lack confidence when walking, call 302-320-6475 to learn more or schedule an appointment today.
The ChristianaCare Safe Steps Program is here to teach you how to reduce your fall risk. Also, we evaluate any health problems that are putting you at risk for a fall. Our Safe Steps Program offers a team of experts in geriatrics and rehabilitation, as well as Sports and Lifestyle Medicine. Our team members work together to address many factors that contribute to falls. These include:
ThinkFirst is a free online 60 minute talk for older adults, helping to educate about the risks of falls and the steps for minimizing the risks. Preventing falls for seniors is a key part of our injury prevention efforts in the community. Call 302-320-6475 for information and registration
If you have ever had a fall, are unsteady on your feet or simply lack confidence when walking, call 302-320-6475 to schedule an appointment today.