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Imaging Services

About Imaging

The field of radiology is more high-tech than ever.

Medical Imaging Done Right

When health issues arise, an accurate diagnosis is essential.

Every ChristianaCare imaging site is staffed by highly skilled technologists experienced in capturing the exact image that your doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis. Your X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, CT and PET scans, and other diagnostic studies are reviewed and interpreted by a team of board-certified ChristianaCare radiologists.

ChristianaCare radiologists are using their advanced skills to bring some of the most dramatic techniques in the field of radiology to the Delaware Valley. For example, find out how neuroradiology is revolutionizing stroke treatment, and how our interventional radiologists provide diagnostic and minimally invasive therapeutic care for a wide variety of diseases.

Cutting-edge technologies can provide more accurate images while limiting patients' exposure to radiation.

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Superior Technology in a Digital Age

Just as you’ve likely upgraded from using film to a digital camera, the field of radiology is more high-tech than ever. ChristianaCare imaging sites are equipped with today’s most advanced digital diagnostic capabilities, from mammography to CT, PET scans, MRI and ultrasound.

Digital images are faster and sharper, and can easily be enhanced for even greater diagnostic capabilities. And they are available to your doctor at speeds unimagined just a few years ago.

ChristianaCare offers another unique and very important aspect to its all-digital technology. Any of the more than 1,200 physicians affiliated with ChristianaCare can instantly access images taken at a ChristianaCare imaging site at any hour of the night or day, from any workstation within Christiana or Wilmington hospitals, from their office computers, or even from home, just by logging into the health system’s Picture Archiving Communications System. And, even more importantly, when several physicians are involved in your care, each can simultaneously pull up your images online and consult with each other in real time regarding your diagnosis and treatment plan. No more waiting for one physician to finish viewing your films and have them delivered to the next. It’s more convenient for your physicians, and it means faster, better care for you.

Doctor's and resident examining MRI's


With 16 easily accessible and accredited ChristianaCare Imaging locations from Brandywine to Dover, access to today’s most advanced radiologic diagnostic studies has never been more convenient for people living and working in and around Northern Delaware.

A Pleasant Experience

People who have visited a ChristianaCare imaging site will tell you about our pleasant, relaxed surroundings, free, convenient parking and our friendly staff. In fact, 95 percent of our patients rate our service as “excellent.”

Women’s Imaging

Today when women schedule either their annual mammogram or a test to rule out a suspected cancer, they have a whole arsenal of advanced diagnostic technology available to them, including digital mammography, ultrasound and breast MRI. We carefully match each woman’s individual needs to the imaging technology that is right for her.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment, call 302-838-3088 or toll-free 877-838-3088.

We ask you to please make your co-payment at time of your appointment.

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