Women's Healthcare

Caregiver Advice

Caregiving is rewarding, but it also brings up a lot of emotions.

Support for Caregivers

We are here to support you in your giving of care and can advise you on how to ensure that you are doing the best you can while balancing your own personal life and needs.

If you are a caregiver or know of a loved one in need of help, please get in touch so we can explore your options in a sympathetic, confidence space.

Two people smiling and caring

Types of Caregivers

A caregiver provides assistance in meeting the daily needs of another person. Caregivers are referred to as either “formal” or “informal.”

"Formal" Caregivers

Formal caregivers are paid for their services and have had training and education in providing care. This may include services from home health agencies and other trained professionals.

"Informal Caregivers"

Informal caregivers, also called family caregivers, are people who give care to family or friends usually without payment. A caregiver gives care, generally in the home environment, for an aging parent, spouse, other relative, or unrelated person, or for an ill, or disabled person. These tasks may include transportation, grocery shopping, housework, preparing meals. Also giving assistance with getting dressed, getting out of bed, help with eating, and incontinence.

If you fit the description of a family, or “informal” caregiver, you are not alone.

Being a Caregiver

According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), estimates of more than 65.7 million Americans serve as informal caregivers either to a child with special needs or an adult who lives in the community and needs help.

Most caregivers (86%) are related to the care recipient with about a third caring for a parent. The average age of a caregiver is 49. 

Most caregivers are women (66%), but men also serve as caregivers. It is also a myth that most of the elderly are cared for in nursing homes in the U.S. Most long-term care is provided by family and friends in the home. Only 11% live in a nursing home or an assisted-living facility It is unfortunate that experts estimate that 1.3 million to 1.4 million children, ages 8 to 18, care for an adult relative.

Caring for an ill, aging, or disabled person can be a rewarding experience. However, depending on the level of care needed and other demands on the caregiver’s time and energy, it can also become an overwhelming responsibility.