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Maternity Classes

Our classes give you everything you need to know about becoming a mom.

Our Range of Classes

Nothing can completely prepare you for when you become a mother, especially for the first time. 

That’s why we offer a range of classes to give you everything you need to know about being a new mom, using the latest research-based guidance and advice.

As part of this, we also cover more serious areas such weight management, postpartum depression, anxiety or mood disorders.

Woman holding a baby with dummy

Online Classes for New and Expecting Parents

ChristianaCare’s Center for Women’s & Children’s Health is excited to offer expecting parents, new moms, and dads-to-be online classes to help prepare you to welcome your newborn. From labor and breastfeeding to child safety, you’ll find classes to meet your needs.

Please see the descriptions below for more information about each of the online classes being offered.

To register for a class, fill out the form below. Once your registration is received, we will contact you to confirm your payment.

You will have access to your class(es) for 270 days after you receive your login information.

There is a Spanish language option available for all classes during the account creation process.

To support your health and the health of our community, we aim to make our classes available to everyone. If you cannot afford to pay for a class, contact us at 302-301-3360 or ParentEducation@christianacare.org. We can discuss your needs and ways we can help.

Virtual Tour

Welcome to the Center for Women’s & Children’s Health! When you are expecting a baby, there are many decisions to make — and choosing where you’ll deliver your baby is one of the most important. The experienced health care professionals on our labor and delivery teams are committed to providing the expert care and personal attention you and your baby deserve. We have created a virtual tour so that you will know what to expect on this special journey.

Woman holding a baby with dummy

Online Classes FAQs

Through online video clips, animations and interactive games you will get a sense of what it is really like to breastfeed. You will learn about feeding cues and night feedings from moms who have been there. There is a lot to know as you start your journey to breastfeeding! How often will your baby eat, how will you know when they are getting enough and more.

Understanding Breastfeeding is a full online learning experience with solid information you can trust about breastfeeding. At the end of the class, you will get links to educational materials you can save to use later.

Use the form below to register and then you will receive an email with the instructions on how to view and complete the class online.

A beautiful young African American mother gently holds her infant girl to her chest. The baby has her hand in her mouth and her eyes are wide open. Dad is in the background with a big smile as he sits on the couch with his family.

Learn how to care for your newborn baby through videos, animation and interactive games. You will find out why spending time with your baby is important to your baby’s brain development. You and your partner will learn the best ways to respond to your baby’s cries and ways to cope with the frustration of a crying baby.

Understanding Breastfeeding is a full online learning experience with solid information you can trust about breastfeeding. At the end of the class, you will get links to educational materials you can save to use later.

Use the form below to register and then you will receive an email with the instructions on how to view and complete the class online.


You can move at your own pace with this class! You will learn all about the birth process and medical procedures with videos, FAQs and interactive games. Watch the birth story of four families as they labored and gave birth in different ways. During the course you can use what you learn to create your own birth plan.

Understanding Birth is a full online learning experience to help you get a sense of what labor is like. At the end of the course, download the tip sheets and logs to plan and track your pregnancy.

Use the form below to register and then you will receive an email with the instructions on how to view and complete the class online.


With online videos, graphics, stories and interactive games you will learn how to protect your little infant or child. Topics covered include car seats, safe sleeping, pets, and water safety tips. You will find out the accidents and injuries that are most common and learn what you can do to prevent them. You will also learn emergency preparedness.

Understanding Infant & Child Safety is a full online learning experience you that gives you the information you need to help keep your children safe from day one. You can access links to all of the safety tips covered in the class to download and print.

Use the form below to register and then you will receive an email with the instructions on how to view and complete the class online.

Little baby girl play with Beagle dog on a floor at home

Understanding Cesarean Birth takes participants through two cesarean birth stories—one planned and one unplanned, teaching essential information about the positive, family-centered experience of cesarean birth.

Use the form below to register and then you will receive an email with the instructions on how to view and complete the class online.

Registration Form

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If you have any questions or technical trouble, please email ParentEducation@ChristianaCare.org.

Find Your Provider

Use the link to see all providers for your specific needs.


Parent and Breastfeeding Education and Resource Center

4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Room 1L06
Newark, DE 19718

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