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Healthcare Career Shadowing

Nursing Shadowing

A great way to learn about interesting careers in nursing care.

Interested in pursuing a career in Nursing?

We at ChristianaCare believe that shadowing is a great way to learn about interesting health care careers and will enable you to determine whether you wish to pursue opportunities in the health care field. Please read the information below to determine if you are eligible to participate, and the process for applying for this program.

Please note that, unfortunately, given the high demand for job shadowing experiences, ChristianaCare is unable to accommodate every request. ChristianaCare reserves the right to refuse a request for any reason.

Application Process
  • Participants arranges with a Sponsor to job shadow at a mutually agreeable time.
  • Participant contacts Nursing Professional Development & Education department to request Job Shadowing forms.
  • Participant completes and submits the following forms prior to the experience:
    • Shadow Application
    • Confidentiality Agreement
    • Shadow Agreement
    • Emergency Contact Form
    • Unofficial School Transcript
    • Letter of intent describing interest in nursing
  • Sponsor completes a Sponsor Agreement form.
  • Vaccinations:   
    • Flu vaccination when shadowing between months of November and April or when required by Christiana Care.
    • Measles vaccination or immunity
    • German Measles (Rubella) vaccination of immunity
    • Chicken Pox vaccination or immunity
  • Participants must wear appropriate attire-business casual clothing and closed toe shoes. Sneakers and scrubs are also allowed.

Please note the following

  • During shadowing experiences Participants may come in contact with very sick/contagious individuals and with hazards (sharps, chemicals, radioactive substances). Job shadow participants must accept the risk of any illness, injury or harm that results from participation in the job shadow experience.
  • Participants must understand that Delaware is a small community; therefore, if the Participant encounters a friend, acquaintance, or family member during a shadow experience with Christiana Care, he/she must keep this information confidential and not disclose this information to any other person.
  • Participants are limited to two four-hour experiences per 12-month period.
  • Participants may not obtain education credit for the experience and will not be graded.
  • Shadowing experiences shall be observational only. Participants may not provide patient care or engage in any direct physical patient contact.
  • Participant who shadows in a surgical suite may not scrub in for any procedure. ChristianaCares' first priority is to protect the health and welfare of its patients and staff. ChristianaCare reserves the right to refuse any request for a job shadowing experience. Christiana Care staff may require a job shadowing participant to leave an area, facility or the campus at any time.

Shadowing Questions

If you have questions about the job shadow experience, please contact Moneca Davis-Graham at mdavis-graham@christianacare.org

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