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Computer and Library Services

Fellows are able to access the hospital intranet and libraries.

Computer Services

Fellows are able to access the hospital intranet and the World Wide Web from the more than 1,500 computer terminals that are part of our local area network, as well as by remote access via the Web. ChristianaCare patient data, including admission and discharge summaries, all lab data, X-ray, pathology, and operative reports, are available from Cerner’s PowerChart. LIFEBOOKs are given to each inpatient team for wireless access to patient information on PowerChart. In addition the charts of Adult Medicine Office patients are fully electronic via Centricity. Fellows can access both programs remotely or from any hospital terminal at either Christiana or Wilmington hospitals.

ChristianaCare’s Radiology Department uses a Picture Archiving Communications System Network (PACSNet) to store digital images of radiological procedures which gives fellows ready remote access as well as access from any hospital terminal.

Cardiac catheterization images, echocardiograms, and ECG’s are all digitized. The Cardiac Cath Lab is DICOM compatible.

Lumedix Apollo software provides registry data storage and management for all laboratory and patient care services within the Section of Cardiology. The system enables tracking for performance improvement and reporting which is critical to all quality health care measurements. In addition, fellows will track all of their procedures through the Apollo system.

Library Services

ChristianaCare maintains two fully-staffed, computer-equipped clinical libraries, available 24/7 to all staff. Over 30 networked library PCs are available and all the libraries offer wireless access for your laptop. Two consumer health libraries, designed to assist patients, families and staff, are also available and highly regarded. The libraries hold subscriptions for over 400 journals and book collections of more then 5,000 volumes. The extensive print holdings are enhanced by online computer resources which offer a full spectrum of bibliographic and full-text databases providing broad coverage of clinical medicine, evidence-based and patient-care decision-making and research. Networked computer access includes UpToDate, major online books and journals, MICROMEDEX, Ovid Medline and Cochrane databases, AccessMedicine and AccessSurgery, Cardiosource, RefWorks, Essential Evidence and more. These resources create a virtual library network through the ChristianaCare intranet accessible to all residents at home and from any ChristianaCare location (over 1500 computers). Residents can do their own searching or request immediate search services from the librarians at no cost. Additional print resources are available through our document delivery and interlibrary loan services. The libraries also offer a discounted book buying service.

Clinical medical librarians attend rounds in some departments and offer one-on-one instruction as well as classes in evidenced-based information retrieval and literature searching skills.

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Contact Us

ChristianaCare Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship

P.O. Box 6001, Rm. 2E99
Newark, DE 19718

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