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Goals and Objectives

An organized, comprehensive full-time educational experience.

General Goals

To provide Interventional Radiology Fellows with an organized, comprehensive, supervised, full-time educational experience in vascular interventional radiology including the ability to provide consultation and case selection, perform the full array of vascular and interventional procedures, identify and manage potential complications, provide appropriate peri-procedure care, and assist in long-term management integrated with the clinical management of referring physicians.


  1. Establish a firm foundation of clinical knowledge and technical expertise upon which to base further personal development in the field of vascular and interventional radiology.
  2. Provide a supervised, graduated clinical experience in interpreting and performing all studies encompassed by the specialty of vascular and interventional radiology.
  3. Provide a committed faculty dedicated to educating and stimulating trainee physicians to achieve excellence in their clinical practice.
  4. Develop familiarity with the signs and symptoms of disease entities amenable to the diagnosis with vascular imaging and/or treatment by vascular interventional radiology techniques.
  5. Develop an understanding of the pathophysiology and natural history of the disease processes frequently encountered in this subspecialty and the medical, surgical, and interventional radiologic treatment alternatives for these various disorders.
  6. Develop an understanding of common vascular interventional radiology research methods and study design as well as common pitfalls to clinical research.
  7. Develop an understanding of the indications for and the contraindications to vascular and interventional radiology procedures.
  8. Learn to perform and skillfully implement the clinical and technical aspects of these procedures to maximize their safe utilization.
  9. Recognize and treat complications during and after vascular and interventional radiology procedures.
  10. Learn to utilize the information gleaned from presentation of complicated cases at peerreview and M&M conferences to promote improved patient safety and outcomes.
  11. Administer and maintain effective and safe conscious sedation for patient comfort during and after vascular and interventional radiology procedures.
  12. Develop expertise at interpreting diagnostic and interventional radiologic studies and providing consultation to clinical services.
  13. Understand Doppler ultrasound, CTA, MRA, and conventional angiography and how they are best used for diagnostic evaluation.
  14. Develop a complete understanding of the fundamentals of radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation protection as they relate to vascular interventional radiology.
  15. Understand occupational hazards related to the practice of vascular interventional radiology and learn how to avoid or minimize them.
  16. Provide appropriate patient follow-up in the inpatient and outpatient setting.
  17. Serve as a learning resource for medical students, residents, and ancillary medical staff and become actively involved with teaching of residents and medical students.
  18. Become intimately involved with and develop an understanding for the pre-procedure evaluation and post-procedure care of patients undergoing diagnostic and interventional radiology procedures including the attitude that involvement with a patient’s care begins with the initial consultation.
  19. Develop the habit of routinely surveying the medical literature and using this knowledge in patient care. This should be done before any type of procedure or with any clinical presentation with which you are not completely familiar.
  20. Recognize and promote a team environment in the practice of interventional radiology including radiology technologists, nurses, patient care coordinators and midlevel providers.
  21. Develop a bedside manner that is appropriate and meets the needs of the patient and provides a thorough patient assessment.
  22. Demonstrate a knowledge of and attitude for ethical practice.
  23. Have consistently professional behavior and good communication skills.

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