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Our Nursing Journey

ChristianaCare nurses model Excellence and Love as they serve together.

A Message from Danielle

Dear Colleagues,

I proudly present ChristianaCare’s Nursing Report for Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1-June 30). What a year it’s been! This robust report expresses how much our nurses are driven by love—love for our patients, for our community and for our noble profession.

Structured around four Magnet components—Transformational Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Exemplary Professional Practice and New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements—our report features highlights across acute, ambulatory and primary care and ChristianaCare HomeHealth.

While it’s full of inspiring examples of nursing innovation and excellence, I particularly enjoy sharing how our extraordinary caregivers work together to advance their practice areas and create novel approaches to care delivery. I also love the photos that capture what it’s like to practice nursing at ChristianaCare: We are a collaborative team that celebrates and uplifts each other.

Magnet 4.0: Leading Excellence and Advancing Practice

The activities of FY 24 coincided with another significant milestone for ChristianaCare Nursing. We recently applied for the health system’s fourth Magnet® designation for our Christiana and Wilmington hospitals, Ambulatory Services and HomeHealth. It was an all-hands-on-deck effort beautifully guided by our Nursing Excellence Experts and Nursing Excellence Ambassadors.

On the following pages, we’ve included several examples of Magnet principles in action, such as programs designed to reduce harm rates and staff turnover and initiatives that improve caregiver safety and patient experience. There are stories of using technology solutions to provide optimal acute inpatient care, offer acute care services in patients’ homes and support caregiver mentorship systemwide. And we share numerous instances of individual caregivers and caregiving teams leading transformational change at ChristianaCare, whether it’s in our approach to climate change or how we promote nurse-to-nurse collaboration and encourage peer support.

Always Trusted, Always Excellent

Practicing nursing has always demanded adaptability, creativity, excellence and empathy. These qualities have helped make our field the most trusted for 22 years in a row, according to Gallup, and they define ChristianaCare Nursing.

Our team has met the challenges of the last few years with grace, ingenuity, vision and compassion. In these changing times, they’ve seen opportunities to shape the future of nursing and health care. Each story, accomplishment and innovation included on the following pages reflects the passion that drives ChristianaCare nurses.

I am deeply proud of this brilliant team, and I hope you will be as energized as I am by their contributions to our field.


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