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Our Nursing Journey

ChristianaCare nurses model Excellence and Love as they serve together.

A Message from Danielle

ChristianaCare is an extraordinary place to practice nursing. I should know — I started here as a bedside nurse nearly 30 years ago. From then to now, it’s my colleagues who continue to inspire me: I am deeply proud to be part of such an outstanding team of caregivers.

Where innovation flourishes

Throughout the years, ChristianaCare nursing innovation has flourished — the theme of this fiscal year 2023 report — in remarkable ways. Our caregivers pioneer approaches to health care delivery that transform the profession and make all the difference for our patients and community. They drive the development and execution of Nursing and HomeHealth fiscal year strategic plans, which guide the Nursing team throughout the year and improve outcomes.

You’ll see recent highlights of caregiver vision, ingenuity and compassion on the coming pages of this publication. From using robotics to support patient care to developing evidencebased solutions for persistent health care challenges to going above and beyond every dayfor patients and each other, the report tells the story of love, excellence and innovation across ChristianaCare.

Where equity advances

I am also proud of our caregivers’ commitment to health equity. Earlier this year, we solidified our stance with a bold update to the ChristianaCare Way. Equitable care is now prominent in our mission.

The inclusion of equity in ChristianaCare’s enduring purpose is a vital element of nursing here — it’s yet one more way ChristianaCare is unique.

During a recent Joint Commission visit, one of our surveyors remarked that she’d like to work at ChristianaCare. High praise, indeed! My response was what I believe every day: ChristianaCare is truly a wonderful place to be a nurse.

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Read current and previous annual nursing reports.