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Council of Advisors

Advancing ChristianaCare's mission through community ambassadorship.

About the Council of Advisors

The Council of Advisors is comprised of community leaders, donors, and stakeholders who are committed to advancing the mission of ChristianaCare by providing valuable insight about community needs to ChristianaCare leadership. Advisors graciously give their time and expertise while providing transformational philanthropic support to help ChristianaCare transform health care in our region.

Council members may recommend potential new advisors to the Council Chair and Vice-Chair via email at ttbrown5@verizon.net and debkross@gmail.com


Tynetta T. Brown, Chair

Tynetta Brown serves as the President and CEO of Philanthropy Delaware, Inc. where she works to increase philanthropic awareness in Delaware. Ms. Brown has over 27 years of experience in the public health, corporate, and pharmaceutical sectors, with demonstrated expertise in strategic sponsorship development, relationship management, social marketing, and management of non-profit and government programs. Ms. Brown is the current Chair of the ChristianaCare Council of Advisors and is a board member of Chance Delaware. Ms. Brown’s previous board and volunteer service includes the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, The Delaware Contemporary, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women-Delaware Chapter (VP of Development), and the US-DHHS Heart Attack Expert Panel.

Tynetta Brown
Deborah Komins Ross, Vice Chair

Deborah Komins Ross serves as the Vice Chair of the ChristianaCare Council of Advisors and Chair of the ChristianaCare Heart & Vascular Leadership Council. She is also a long-standing member of the Friends of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute and has volunteered for many years as a wish granter for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and Georgetown University Law Center, Deborah also volunteers as an interviewer for the Georgetown University Alumni Admissions Program and Georgetown University Law Center. Following graduation from law school, Deborah clerked for the Supreme Court of Delaware and worked as an associate in the Mergers & Acquisitions group of the Delaware and D.C. offices of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. She then transitioned to Marriott International, Inc., where she served as a Vice President & Senior Counsel. Since moving back to Delaware in 2008, Deborah has focused on her family and numerous volunteer endeavors, while maintaining active memberships with the Delaware and D.C. Bars. Deborah is married to David Ross, a partner at Ross Aronstam & Moritz LLP. Deborah and David have two sons, Bennett and Carter.

Deborah Ross

Council of Advisors 2024-2025

Thomas E. Abel
Rocco A. Abessinio
Mary Akhimien
Tony Allen, Ph.D.
Atnre Alleyne
Carol A. Ammon, M.B.A., D.N.P.
Linda L. Ammons
David A. Anderson, Esq.
Lauren Uffner Asher
Theodore H. Ashford, III
H. Raye J. Avery
Stacey Bacchieri
Desmond A. Baker, P.E., C.S.I.
Hon. James M. Baker
Louis E. Bartoshesky, M.D., M.P.H.
Coates F. Bateman
Joanne E. Beach
Tina Betz
Ray A. Blackwell, M.D.
Mark T. Brainard, J.D.
Charles D. Broll
Tynetta T. Brown
Barbara L. Burd
Matthew J. Burday, D.O.
John M. Burris
Betty J. Caffo, Ph.D.
Patrick Callahan
Christine A. Cannon, Ph.D., R.N.
Carroll M. Carpenter
Edward V. Carrington
Jane D. Castle
John R. Cochran, III
Jennifer Cohan
Lucy Comstock-Gay
Arthur G. Connolly, III
Earl A. Cooper
Hon. Charles L. Copeland
Lammot Copeland, Jr.
Vincent J. Corbo, M.D.
Thomas L. Corrigan
Jay F. Coughenour, Ph.D.
Kaye Crouch – Ex-Officio
Patricia M. Curtin, M.D.
Doneene Keemer Damon, Esq.
Allen L. Davies, M.D.
Derrick M. Deadwyler, Jr.
G. Stephen DeCherney, M.D., M.P.H.
Ernest F. Delle Donne
Edward B. DeSeta
Kleon Diamantopoulos
Audrey K. Doberstein, Ph.D.
Diane M. du Pont
Laura Lemole du Pont
Lanny Edelsohn, M.D.
R. Keith Elliott
Tara D. Elliott, Esq.
Margaret G. Erskine
Patricia P. Evans, R.N., Ph.D.
Edward F. Ewen, M.D.
Gary W. Ferguson
Marciana D. Filippone, M.D.
Claudia Fischer
Richard B. Fischer
Israel J. Floyd, Esq.
Jean Fong
Kurt Foreman
Helen K. Foss
George N. Foutrakis
Timothy J. Gardner, M.D.
Kirk N. Garratt, M.D.
J. Robert Gibson, Ph.D.
Jane Gibson
James M. Gill, M.D., M.P.H.
Martha S. Gilman
Mr. Michael Goldberg
Guillermina Gonzalez
John J. Goodill, M.D.
Cecil C. Gordon, Jr., M.D.
Sarah I. Gore
Megan Semple Greenberg
Hon. Norman D. Griffiths
Robert G. Hackett, Jr.  


Hon. Bethany A. Hall-Long
Robert Van Arsdale Harra, Jr.
Sarah Harrison
Tarik J. Haskins, Esq.
Martina C. Hayward
A. Richard Heffron
Judith L. Hendricks, M.S., R.N.
Constance H. Henke
Hon. Margaret Rose Henry
Stephen E. Herrmann, Esq.
Cynthia A. Hewitt, C.I.M.A.
Patricia W. Hobbs
Catherine M. Hodgins
Rebecca Jaffe, M.D.
Eric T. Johnson, M.D.
Tyrone J. Jones
Dr. James H. Jordan
Mary R. Julian
Paul J. Kaniefski
Ann S. Kappel
Peter S. Kennedy, C.P.A.
Joseph F. Kestner, Jr., M.D.
Omar A Khan, M.D., M.H.S.
Donald R. Kirtley
John A. Krol
Arkadi Kuhlmann, L.L.D.
Ellen J. Kullman
Nicholas P. Lambrow
Hon. Rita M. Landgraf
John H. Landon
Robert J. Laskowski, M.D., M.B.A.
Judith W. Lau
Harry A. Lebowitz, M.D.
G. Arno Loessner, III, Ph.D.
Sally H. Loessner
Lolita A. Lopez, F.A.C.H.E.-R.
Andrew M. Lubin
Garrett B. Lyons, Jr., D.D.S.
George MacKenzie, Jr.
Charles A. Madden
Margaret Maley, R.N., B.S.N.
John R. Malloy
Martin G. Mand
Eileen S. Maroney
Nicholas M. Marsini, Jr.
Anne L. Martelli, D.M.D.
Cynthia Primo Martin
Hon. Joshua W. Martin, III
Robert F. Martinelli
Todd D. Marvin
Teresa Mason, Esq.
Maria M. Matos
Kathleen S. Matt, Ph.D.
Paula K. Maxwell, C.P.A
Ian R. McConnel, Esq.
Cameron McDonald, C.P.A
Kathleen Furey McDonough, Esq.
Karl W. McIntosh, M.D.
Lashauna B. McIntosh, M.D.
Michael R. Miller
Darrell J. Minott, Esq.
Elizabeth E. Moore
Calvert A. Morgan, Jr.
Peter C. Morrow
John M. Murray, II
Mac Nagaswami
Antoinette N. Nash
Janice E. Nevin, M.D., M.P.H.
James H. Newman
Leonard A. Nitowski, M.D.
Barry Niziolek, C.P.A, M.B.A
Margaret Shen O'Dwyer
Renée G. O'Leary, Ph.D.
John H. O'Neill, D.O.
Gordon J. Ostrum, Jr., M.D.
Greg R. Pahnke, M.D.
Anand P. Panwalker, M.D.
Skip Pennella
Colleen A. Pero, M.A.
Albert C. Perrino, Ph.D.
Nicholas J. Petrelli, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Gary M. Pfeiffer

Lear S. Pfeiffer
Blaine T. Phillips, Esq.
Richard M. Piendak, Sr.
Marie E. Pinizzotto, M.D., M.B.A.
Jaime Pludo
John F. Porter, III
Maritza Poza-Grise
Patricia H. Purcell, M.D.
Ehsanur Rahman, M.D.
Robert L. Reed
Philip S. Reese
Maureen Cawley Rhodes
Nancy Rich
Robert R. Ridout
J. Kent Riegel
Georgianna E. Riley
Rosa V. Rivera
LaKresha S. Roberts, Esq.
Geoffrey M. Rogers
Deborah Komins Ross
Ralph A. Rossi
Heidelore I. Rowan
Wali W. Rushdan, II, Esq.
Thomas L. Sager, Esq.
Penelope T. Saridakis
Christine Sauers
Patricia A. Schulze
Laurisa Schutt
Michelle A. Schwandt
Denise D. Schwartz
James P. Scopis, C.I.S.S.P.
Fred C. Sears, II
Paul C. Seitz, C.P.A.
Eli R. Sharp
H. Rodney Sharp, III
David K. Sheppard, Esq.
Wilfred B. Sherk
Valerie V. Sill, C.F.A., C.A.I.A.
Dr. Claibourne D. Smith
Nancy W. Snyder, M.S., R.N.
Reverend Thomas G. Speers, III
Wendie C. Stabler
Susan M. Stalnecker
Jocelyn M. Stewart
David B. Stratton, Esq.
Terry A. Strine
Paula J. Swain
Carol A. Tavani, M.D.
Dian C. Taylor
Michelle A. Taylor, Ed.D.
Allen M. Terrell, Jr., Esq.
Diane H. Thomas – Ex-Officio
Dave Tiberi
Janice E. Tildon-Burton, M.D.
Julie Topkis Nason
Harry J. Tucci
Mark A. Turner
Michael S. Uffner
Robert J. Valihura, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Brock J. Vinton
William J. Wade, Esq.
Karl Wagner
Hon. Rebecca D. Walker, J.D., M.S.N.
Meghan I. Wallace
Enid D. Wallace-Simms
Keith M. Walter
Leland B. Ware, J.D.
Ross O. Watson
Carrie S. Wedo
John S. Wellons
Terry M. Whittaker, Ed.D.
Katherine K. Wilkinson
Kevin A. Worsh
Thomas D. Wren
Eugene R. Young, Jr.

Updated March 6, 2025

Annual Award Honorees

2024 Charles J. Harrington Award for Distinguished Service

Established in 1997

Dr. LeRoi Hicks

Pictured left to right: Dr. Janice Nevin, Dr. LeRoi Hicks, Julie Topkis Nason, Tynetta T. Brown, Dia Williams Adams

2024 Charles J. Harrington Award for Distinguished Service Winner Dr. LeRoi Hicks
2024 Carroll M. Carpenter Impact Award

Established in 2017

Christine Sauers

Pictured left to right: Dr. Janice Nevin, Julie Topkis Nason, Christine Sauers, David Stratton, Tynetta T. Brown, Dia Williams Adams 

2024 Carroll M. Carpenter Impact Award Winner Christine Sauers
Previous Awardees

Charles J. Harrington
Robert P. Barnett
William W. Long
Eugene D. Crittenden
John H. Landon
Harry Corless
Leonard W. Quill
Edmund N. Carpenter
Carroll M. Carpenter
H. Rodney Sharp
Jane H. Gibson
Robert B. Flinn
Keith K. Willard
Donald J. Franceschini
Lammot D. Copeland
Gary M. Pfeiffer
Lear S. Pfeiffer
Carol A. Ammon
Stephen M. Mockbee
Nicholas J. Petrelli, M.D.
Junior Board of Christiana Care, Inc.
Patricia Curtin, M.D.
John R. Cochran, III.
Timothy J. Gardner, M.D.
Lolita A. Lopez
Enid Wallace-Simms
Doneene Damon
Phil Reese and the late Daphne Craven Reese
Christine Cannon
Penny Saridakis

Previous Awardees

Lois Galinat
Michelle A. Schwandt
Diane du Pont
Penny Saridakis
Toni Nash
Megan Semple Greenberg 
Stacey Bacchieri

Photos by Moonloop Photography

Support Us

We invite you to join us in continuing the ChristianaCare tradition of serving our neighbors as respectful, caring, expert partners in their health. Your tax-deductible gift, no matter the size, will help to improve the health of people in our community.

If you have any questions about making a gift or would like to mail a donation, please contact –

Office of Philanthropy
4000 Nexus Drive Suite W3-300
Wilmington, DE 19803
(302) 327-3305

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