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Junior Board

Join the Junior Board

Share your energy and commitment to our community.

Join Us

The Junior Board of ChristianaCare is always looking for new members to share their energy, time, talents and commitment to our community.

Opportunities are available in providing volunteer service and fundraising.

Logo of the Junior Board of ChristianaCare (2022)
New Members

As a new provisional member, you will go through a short orientation of all committees to help you find the best fit for your time and talents. During this period, you will attend group meetings, giving you an opportunity to meet and socialize with other Junior Board members.

Apply to Join

If you would like to join the Junior Board, review the following membership information, and fill out the application to join. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Junior Board, email provisional co-chair Tina Furman at tsfteachr@aol.com or call 302-319-8806, or email provisional co-chair Ellen Schonbach or call ellen@schonbach.com at 302-753-1753

Membership Information and Application for Junior Board

  • Complete the application form below
  • Attend a series of 2 meetings which are scheduled twice a year, either in spring or fall that include information about the organization, explanation of requirements, and introduction to our service committee chairs who will provide a description of committee duties
  • Complete a hospital-required class at Christiana Hospital
  • Have a PPD (TB) skin test provided by the hospital
  • Show proof of vaccination
  • Complete an observation of each service committee:
Christiana Hospital
  • Surgical Waiting Lounge
  • Glass Box Gift Shop
  • The Wish Gift Box
  • Helen F. Graham Cancer Center
  • E-Tower Information Desk
Wilmington Hospital
  • Window Box Gift Shop
  • Greeters Committee

Members must accrue a minimum of 50 hours of service which are scheduled in shifts of 3 to 4 hours depending upon the committee, with regular monthly assignments.

If you would like to help the Junior Board in its efforts to sustain the programs and services vital to our community, please make a donation.

Make check payable to the Junior Board of Christiana Care, Inc. and mail it to –

The Junior Board of ChristianaCare
PO BOX 1668
Wilmington, DE 19899-1668

Our History and Our Future

In 1888, women in the local community raised $10,000 to build and equip Wilmington’s first hospital. Thus began the tradition of the Junior Board, the vibrant, independent organization that provides financial and volunteer support to advance the mission of ChristianaCare.

The Junior Board of ChristianaCare is a not-for-profit corporation with its own board and volunteer membership. Guided by a commitment to community service and support of the health system, its members give of their time and talents, raising money by reaching out into the community and by operating the gift shops in both hospitals. They also hold the annual JB Cause Event, which provides support for a variety of services and programs within ChristianaCare. And they support ChristianaCare initiatives that drive outcomes-focused, patient-centered care for our region.

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Junior Board members log thousands of hours by volunteering at both hospital campuses and participating in fundraising activities. They can be seen in their distinctive coral jackets at the E-Tower Information Desk, and Surgical Waiting Lounge at Christiana Hospital. They also serve at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center. At the Wilmington Hospital, Junior Board volunteers work as Greeters at the entrance to the hospital. Volunteers also staff both hospital gift shops.

As a robust network of volunteers, the Junior Board is an active social group who enjoy their camaraderie as much as their collaborative endeavors. Working together to make a difference promotes a sense of wellbeing and helps establish bonds that go beyond board activities.

Does the Call to Serve Speak to You?

ChristianaCare’s ability to reach out to so many people in the extended community is, in great part, thanks to the Junior Board members not only committed to, but driven by the quest to raise money, serve this health system and help us care for our neighbors. Please, consider joining or supporting us. Together, we can do so much more for the health of our community.

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Helping to fund programs that enhance the patient care experience, support cancer research, and provide public education.
$85,000 donated from JB Cause for Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center