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Junior Board

Junior Board Memorial and Poinsetta Funds

Memorial Fund donations are used each year to support a special project

The Memorial Fund

The Junior Board gratefully receives gifts to its Memorial Fund and contributes to the fund when a current or former member of the Junior Board dies. Memorial Fund donations are used each year to support a special project identified by ChristianaCare.

The Poinsettia Fund, to which contributions are also gratefully received, is used to purchase the plants the Junior Board distributes to hospitalized patients each year on Christmas Eve.

To donate to either fund, please send a check made payable to the Junior Board of ChristianaCare, Inc., to the Junior Board Treasurer Kaye Crouch, c/o Junior Board of ChristianaCare, Inc., P.O. Box 1668, Wilmington, DE 19899. Indicate which fund you would like to support as well as the name of the person(s) you are honoring. Your gift will be recognized in the Junior Board newsletter.

A group of Junior Board members holding poinsettas

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