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Billing Assistance

International Patients

Improving the health of people in all communities.

Patient Hospital and Physician Bills

ChristianaCare is dedicated to improving the health of all people in the communities it serves through its medical services, education and research. Non-residents who present as self-pay patients for elective services will be required to pre-pay the estimated charge amount for those services at a rate of eighty five percent (85%) of our published charges. This fifteen percent (15%) self-pay discount is consistent with our financial expectations for a self-pay patient who is a resident of our service area.

In order to receive elective services at our facility, you will need to provide payment for services in advance, as all international patients without validated insurance must pay for elective services in advance.  As a courtesy, these patients would be entitled to a discount of 15% for their care. ChristianaCare medically necessary non-emergent services, including the services rendered by a ChristianaCare employed physicians are within the scope of this policy. All non-residents (e.g. active visa B-2) who present as patients will not qualify for ChristianaCare Financial Assistance or have the ability to establish a payment plan.

In order to provide a proper cost estimate we will need to understand the specifics of your clinical status, clinical history and current plan of care in order to properly provide elective services.

Patients who are considering receiving non-emergent medical services at ChristianaCare are to contact in advance, our Customer Service Manager at 302-623-7019 to obtain a cost estimate, contractual agreement and payment.

ChristianaCare expects all international patients who seek medical services at our facilities to establish and coordinate with their countries USA embassy Consular an approved Medical B-2 visa if they are electing to travel to the United States for medical services. This process ensures that the patient has coordinated with their clinical primary physician and specialist in advance of services and ensures all USA government, clinical, and financial requirements are satisfied.

Below is direct language from the United States Visa website for those patients who are intending to receive medical services at a healthcare facility in the United States. You  may contact the USA embassy staff in their country for further clarification or review their website.

Travel for Medical Treatment

If you are seeking medical treatment in the United States, the consular officer may ask for further documents at your visa interview, which may include:

  • Medical diagnosis from a local physician, explaining the nature of the ailment and the reason you need treatment in the United States.
  • Letter from a physician or medical facility in the United States, stating they are willing to treat your specific ailment and detailing the projected length and cost of treatment (including doctors’ fees, hospitalization fees, and all medical-related expenses).
  • Proof that your transportation, medical, and living expenses in the United States will be paid. This may be in the form of bank or other statements of income/savings or certified copies of income tax returns (either yours or the person or organization paying for your treatment).

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