Our Patient Portal is a secure personal website that allows you to be more informed about your health records. If you are already a patient but don’t have an account, then you can create an account using the Self-Enroll link below
The outreach programs that we offer continually change in response to the changing health needs of the community.
Here are just a few of the special outreach programs that you can access:
Helping Hands for Breast Health: By providing education and support for getting mammograms, the Helping Hands for Breast Health program helps women to detect breast cancer early, when it is most treatable. This program provides assistance with transportation, funding and access to care. Call ChristianaCare’s breast-screening coordinator at 302-623-4746 for more information. Spanish and Mandarin navigators are also available to assist you - please call 302-623-4622.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness: Colorectal cancer is the most preventable cancer. Colorectal cancer often has no symptoms, so it is important to have your colon checked, starting at about age 45. If you have rectal bleeding, stomach cramps, weight loss, a change in bowel habits or are feeling tired, check with a doctor right away. Talk with your doctor about the need for colorectal cancer screening. The screening test can help keep you from getting colon cancer, or it can find colorectal cancer early when it can be cured. To learn about the Champions of Change program to access colorectal cancer screening, call 302-623-4661.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Program: Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is the virus that causes cervical cancer. HPV is the most commonly transmitted sexual infection, and most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it. Our HPV Vaccine Program educates young girls and their parents about HPV and provides access to the vaccine.
Radiation oncology, also called radiation therapy, uses radiation to kill cancer cells. Used by itself or with cancer-fighting medicines or surgery, radiation.