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Our Services - By Condition and Life Event

A wide variety of services for your loved one in the comfort of home.

Help with Changes in Health

It is not unusual for health to change because of progression of disease, condition or age. Whether you are caring for yourself or a loved one, you may not be aware of times when you need a different level of care. Ask yourself if you or your loved one are experiencing:

    • A medical condition that has gone from controlled to uncontrolled.
    • Trouble keeping track of medications.
    • Balance problems, falls or near-falls.
    • An increased number of visits to the doctor’s office or emergency department.
    • Increased difficulty or needing more assistance to leave home, or avoiding errands because leaving home is too difficult.
    • More difficulty performing usual activities such as bathing, dressing, toileting, food preparation, or shopping.
    • Leaving home is more difficult and more assistance is needed.
    • Concerns about your loved one being at home alone.

    As you or your loved one experience health changes, you can turn to ChristianaCare HomeHealth for help. Our expertise and wide variety of services means you can count on skilled care for your loved one in the comfort of home. We work with you, your loved one’s physician and other health care providers to create a complete, personal care plan that will support your loved one, effectively manage symptoms, and help them maintain independence.

    Our Services - By Condition

    The Evergreen Center is now reopened with limited occupancy. Please contact us for more information.

    To learn about options in your community, call 302-327-5200 and press option 2.  

    If you or your family is caring at home for a loved who has memory loss or dementia, turn to ChristianaCare HomeHealth for help. We provide the skilled at-home care needed to retain your loved one’s familiar routines and reduce confusion, anxiety or frustration. Plus, our specialized adult day care program, the Evergreen Center, provides your loved one with safe and engaging care, allowing family members to have the time to work, de-stress, or pursue other activities.

    Whether you or a loved one is suffering pain because of an injury, chronic disease or recent surgery, ChristianaCare HomeHealth nurses help you manage treatment that promotes healing and controls pain. Count on us to come to your home and provide:

    • Personalized treatment plan to manage pain and promote healing.
    • A full assessment and written inventory of all prescribed medications to identify potentially dangerous. interactions or concerns.
    • Insight into proper doses and the best times to take your medications.
    • Non-medication pain treatments including proper positioning, physical therapy and massage.
    • Follow-up with your physician to assess progress.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    If you or a loved one is managing diabetes, ChristianaCare HomeHealth specially skilled nurses and in-home health professionals help you safely and comfortably manage care and symptoms at home. Count on ChristianaCare HomeHealth to provide:

    • Consistent blood sugar monitoring.
    • Insulin preparation and administration.
    • Patient and caregiver education about the disease process, risk factors and how to modify behaviors for healthy outcomes.
    • Meal planning.
    • Foot, skin and oral care management.
    • Follow-up with your physician to assess treatment and progress.


    ChristianaCare HomeHealth nurses and skilled home care professionals are especially trained to support people living with diabetes who:

    • Have been newly diagnosed.
    • Need their home management program reestablished after a hospital stay.
    • Need education in how to administer insulin.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    Managing the transition from hospital to home after a heart attack often requires professional support including medical care, therapy and caregiver support. ChristianaCare HomeHealth nurses and in-home health professionals will come to your home to help you or your loved one control symptoms, improve self-care, maximize and independent function, and minimize re-hospitalizations. Count on ChristianaCare HomeHealth to provide:

    • Regular updates to your doctor about your plan of care and your progress.
    • Management of your symptoms.
    • Help in understanding your medications.
    • Counseling in nutrition and activities to enhance daily living.
    • Information about how to identify changes in your health status and when to contact your physician.

    Along with your scheduled nursing visits, you will receive special equipment that monitors your health in the convenience of your home. A telemonitor assists you in learning how to monitor your health. It is a special device that makes it easy to collect vital signs, including blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, weight and temperature, at the same time every day.

    This information automatically and securely goes to a monitor at the HomeHealth through your telephone line. A nurse checks your information and monitors your progress. Your doctor receives regular updates.

    The telemonitoring system is easy to use and even provides voice prompts and features color-coded buttons. The entire process takes only about three minutes. 

    Depending on the information ChristianaCare HomeHealth receives from the telemonitoring system, your home care nurse may:

    • Give you advice over the telephone.
    • Come to see you at your home to check your condition.
    • Call your doctor for further orders.

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a lung condition, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), you know that treating symptoms and preventing complications can be complex. ChristianaCare HomeHealth will come to you to help you or your loved one maintain lung health and remain comfortable at home. Count on us for:

    • Information on how to identify changes in your health and when to call your doctor.
    • Help understanding your medications.
    • Guidance in nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices.
    • Support in recognizing symptoms that require notifying your doctor of any adjustment of your treatment.
    • Follow-up with your doctor to discuss your treatment plan.


    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    Our Services - By Life Event

    Mother and baby home-care visits are only available in New Castle County.

    Bringing your baby home from the hospital is an exciting time, and ChristianaCare HomeHealth is here to support you, every step of the way. We specialize in helping new mothers feel comfortable caring for their babies so they get the very best start in life. Our specially trained visiting nurses will come to you to help you manage the transition of parenthood so you and your baby can thrive at home. You can count on us for:

    • A complete medical assessment of you and your baby.
    • Care coordination with your physician.
    • Direction on how to make your home safe, how to use any equipment your newborn needs, and instruction on emergency procedures, including CPR.
    • Help with managing any necessary medications.
    • Breastfeeding support and guidance.
    • Instruction on formula preparation, healthy eating and diet.
    • Instruction, as needed, on additional health care needs including birth-control methods, vitamins, infant stimulation and infection control.
    • Resource planning for help with meals, transportation, applying for WIC, and support to stay comfortably at home.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth home care nurses are skilled in helping mothers and babies with a variety of conditions, including:

    • Premature or high-risk birth.
    • Post-partum depression.
    • Pregnancy-induced hypertension, diabetes and gestational diabetes.
    • C-section site care.
    • Sleep deprivation.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    Caring for a child with a serious illness or a life-threatening condition can be a challenge. ChristianaCare HomeHealth is here to help. Our specially trained pediatric nurses and home care specialists will come to you to help manage the symptoms of your child’s illness so he or she can comfortably thrive at home.

    Our pediatric nursing care specialists are available to provide the most professional in-home care to your child, from hourly assistance to round-the clock care, as well as short-term post-operative nursing care and rehabilitation therapy. You can count on us for:

    • A personalized care plan specific to you and your child’s needs, and coordination with your doctor.
    • Professional case management that includes coordination of care and submission of documents to insurance companies.
    • Direction on how to make your home safe for your child.
    • Instruction for you and your child in the safe use of medical and assistive devices.
    • Pain management support.
    • Therapeutic exercises to improve strength, balance and coordination.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth pediatric nurses and home care specialists are skilled in helping children, adolescents and young adults up to age 21, and supporting family members in caring for their loved ones. Many of the children we care for live with conditions and needs like these:

    • Ventilator support (continuous or intermittent).
    • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and other respiratory disorders.
    • Muscular dystrophies.
    • Seizure disorders.
    • Tracheostomy or tracheomalacia.
    • G-tube, G/J tube or N/G tube.
    • Cerebral palsy.
    • Cardiac anomalies.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    Managing the transition from hospital to home after a stroke often requires professional support including medical care, therapy and caregiver support. ChristianaCare HomeHealth nurses and in-home health professionals will come to your home to help you or your loved one speed recovery and restore the skills for safe, independent living. Count on ChristianaCare HomeHealth to provide:

    • A full assessment of your physical ability and care coordination with your doctor.
    • Direction on how to make your home safe and reduce the risk of falling.
    • Instruction in how to safely use equipment to help with mobility and range of motion.
    • Help in managing medications.
    • Therapeutic exercises to improve strength, balance, coordination and motor skills.
    • Therapy to improve swallowing and improve speech.
    • Resource planning for help with meals, transportation, applying for medical assistance, and support to stay comfortably at home.
    • Education about the warning signs and risk factors for stroke.

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth nurses, therapists and skilled home care professionals are specially trained to help people who are recovering from stroke and these related conditions:

    • Weakness.
    • Paralysis.
    • Difficulty speaking.
    • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).

    ChristianaCare HomeHealth partners with patients and their families to provide skilled, coordinated, compassionate in-home care. Our tradition of caring for people across their lifespan is supported by the state’s largest health care system – ChristianaCare. As Delaware’s home health care agency of choice, we are proud to serve our community by helping people get well, be healthy and live independently at home.

    Contact Us

    Our goal is to make this time with your loved one manageable and filled with meaningful moments. For information on how we can provide the healing power of home to your entire family, call 302-698-4362 or 800-322-4428.

    ChristianCare HomeHealth

    New Castle County Office

    4000 Nexus Drive
    Wilmington, DE 19803

    Kent and Sussex County Office

    2116 S. Dupont Highway, Suite 2
    Camden, DE 19934

    We’re available 24 hours a day to schedule appointments or provide assistance.

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