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Women's Body Health

Weight Management

Obesity is a serious, chronic health condition.

The Complexity of Weight Management

In recent years, our understanding of obesity in women has evolved alongside long-term studies. We now recognize that it is not simply the result of willpower, poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle, but is a complex disease that’s also influenced by genetics, biology, behavior and exterior factors including social status, personal economy and culture.

More than just a matter of being ‘out of shape’, obesity is a serious, chronic health condition that can significantly increase your risk for hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and even cancer. However, obesity is treatable with medical supervision and lifestyle changes.

How We Can Help

At ChristianaCare’s Weight Management Center, we can help you achieve permanent weight loss and reduce your risk for obesity-related illnesses.

Our programs are directed by board-certified doctors who specialize in metabolic diseases and weight control. You will benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of our team, which also includes nurse practitioners, registered dietitians, exercise physiologists and clinical psychologists. In individual sessions and group classes, we will partner with you to implement weight loss strategies that work.

Research has advanced our knowledge of the many health benefits of weight loss, and of the strategies that work best to help women lose weight. We use our knowledge of these factors to provide state of the art weight management programs offering a variety of effective tools.

Success starts with a long-term plan. We offer a full array of options, including:

  • One-on-one counselling
  • Group classes
  • Personalized medically supervised programs
  • A meal-replacement program
  • Bariatric surgery
Lady weighing herself

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Weight Management Center

501 West 14th Street
Wilmington Hospital
Gateway Building, 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

Emergency entrance of Wilmington Hospital