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Raising Children


A new baby may be the most wonderful gift you can give your parents.

Being a Grandparent

A new baby may be the most wonderful gift you can give your parents.

Their excitement matches your own, and they look forward to a very special relationship with this child. And being close to grandparents is a very special gift for children. Depending on your relationship with your parents, becoming a parent can also give you a new realization and appreciation for your parents and make your relationship closer as well.

Grandparents sat with the grandchildren reading

Preparing Grandparents for the Arrival of a Baby

Many grandparents love being involved in the plans and decision making. Some will hardly be able to wait to get their hands on the new little one, others will be more reluctant.

There are so many new products and changes in baby care (all the new vaccines for example) that some grandparents will feel a little worried about things. They may appreciate taking a baby care class or, if available, a special grandparenting class.

Grandparents can provide vital help when the baby first comes home. Give them a chance to get to know the new grandchild. But also happily accept any help they give with housecleaning, laundry, and meals. 

Household help can also be a chance for them to spend some special time with older siblings.

There are possible problems, of course. You’ll be developing your own knowledge of your baby and your own philosophy of child rearing. So happily accept any help and suggestions. But don’t let grandparents take over, or make you feel like you can’t handle things, or like a bad parent. Trust your instincts and your knowledge. Be true to your own values.

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