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No Harm Intended: Lessons Learned in Patient Safety Storytelling Sessions

No Harm Intended: Lessons Learned in Patient Safety Storytelling Sessions

No Harm Intended is a series of interdisciplinary educational sessions of actual or near miss events designed to focus on analyzing events to learn what happened, what normally happens, why did it happen, and what we can do to prevent it from happening. The sessions engage staff in the system based strategies that are implemented.
Subject AreaLevel
Patient SafetyIntermediate
ChristianaCare nurses, residents and attending physicians, fellows, medical students, pharmacists, allied health professionals, and other interested learners.Didactic, interactive audience discussion. Archived sessions.
Continuing medical education credits available60 minutes.
Offered quarterly; see CaregiverConnect for announcements.Register through the Learning Space. Search No Harm Intended. Note: You must be logged into your ChristianaCare workstation to access the Learning Space.
Fee(s)Contact Information
No charge for ChristianaCare employees, Medical-Dental staff and credentialed providers.Ann Principe, Corporate Director, Quality & Patient Safety, 302-623-7927

Contact iLead

John H. Ammon Medical Education Center
2nd Floor, Suite 2E65A
4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Newark, DE 19718 - directions

Phone: 302-733-5943

Email: lconsiglio-ward@christianacare.org

Christiana Hospital

4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road,
Newark, DE 19718

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