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Behavioral Health Care
Bone, Spine & Joint Care
Cancer Care
Heart and Vascular Care
HomeHealth Care
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Rehabilitation and Therapy
Specialty Care
Surgical Care
Testing Services
Women's Healthcare
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Explore more from Cancer Care
Cancer Surgery
Oncologists perform cancer surgery to remove cancer tissue from the body.
Cancer Clinical Trials
Testing new drugs and combinations of treatments, as well as new techniques.
Medical Oncology
Employing advances in chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and medications.
Oncology Express Unit
Assisting with problems during cancer treatment without the need for a trip to the ED.
Explore more from Wellness
Weight Care and Management
We can help you achieve permanent weight loss and reduce your risk for obesity-related illnesses.
Explore more from Women's Healthcare
Women's Healthcare Locations
Our more than 30 convenient facilities offer a full spectrum of services.
Dedicated to delivering the safest and most effective gynecological treatment and care available.
Pregnancy and Childbirth
We’re here to help you have a safe, healthy and happy pregnancy.
Breast Health
Expert health professionals providing world-class advice, diagnosis and treatment.
Explore more from Rehabilitation and Therapy
Physical Therapy
Improve mobility, reduce pain, and possibly avoid surgery and medications.
Center for Rehabilitation
Reclaim independence and build confidence as you progress toward home.
Speech Therapy
Learn to overcome speech impairments and developmental challenges.
Stroke & Traumatic Brain Injury
Helping you achieve the highest possible quality of life and independence.
Explore more from Behavioral Health Care
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Our comprehensive program features a team of professionals.
Outpatient Behavioral Health
We offer treatment and therapy for almost any problem related to emotional or mental health.
Project Recovery
Develop a comprehensive treatment plan to put you on the path to a substance-free life.
Emotional Wellness
1 in 5 women will experience a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder.
Bariatric Surgery
If you’re considering weight loss surgery, Bariatric Surgery might be for you.
Explore more from ChristianaCare
ChristianaCare Will Establish New Health Care Campus in Aston, PA
Neighborhood hospital will operate 24/7 with approximately 10 inpatient beds and an emergency department.
Explore more from Specialty Care
Diabetes Care
Offering comprehensive care for patients with diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
Reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate your appearance so you can look as young as you feel.
Kidney Transplant
The only adult kidney transplant program in Delaware.
Sleep Medicine
The Sleep Center provides expert, multidisciplinary diagnosis and care.
Explore more From Patients & Visitors
Your Hospital Stay
Providing you the very best health care in a safe, comfortable environment.
Preparing for Surgery
Important information before you arrive for your surgery.
Patient and Visitor Code of Conduct
Supporting a safe, respectful experience for your care.
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Renewals
Medicaid and CHIP eligibility renewals are required this year. Learn more.
Explore more from Community Health
Community Health
We offer a range of services to help improve the health of our community.
Empowering Wilmington youth to become agents of change within their communities.
Alliance for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Working to reduce the number of teenagers who are sexually active.
Speakers Bureau
Oue dedicated caregivers are available provide talks in our community.
Explore more from Surgical Care
General Surgery Services
Our team has the experience and expertise to give you confidence.
The Hernia Center
We offer the most advanced and innovative hernia repair procedures available.
Explore more from HomeHealth Care
Why Choose Us
With skilled, compassionate care, you can also healing at home.
Our Services
Partnering with patients and their families to provide skilled, compassionate in-home care.
Rehabilitative Services
Help getting back into shape for daily activities, in the comfort and safety of home.
Explore more from Bone, Spine & Joint Care
Joint Replacement
Among the most advanced, comprehensive programs for hip and knee replacement in the country.
ChristianaCare’s Strong Bones Program can assess and treat your bone health and reduce your risk of breaking a bone.
Spine Surgery
ChristianaCare offers one of the most advanced, cutting-edge spine care programs in the US.
Sports & Lifestyle Medicine
For anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle or wants to be more active.
Explore more from Testing Services
Imaging Services
With 16 easily accessible and accredited locations, access to today’s most advanced radiologic diagnostic studies has never been easier.
Lab Services
ChristianaCare offers outpatient laboratory services at locations in New Castle County and Kent County.
Explore more from Neurosciences
Stroke Program
Providing the most advanced level of expertise in stroke care.
Outpatient Neurology
Creating a treatment plan to help you live with your condition and improve your life.
Multiple Sclerosis
Providing a comprehensive approach to care by addressing all medical and non-medical needs.
Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
Our neurologists can offer treatments and make referrals for support.
Explore more from Primary Care
Practices throughout Delaware, Southeastern PA, Southern NJ, and Eastern MD.
Pediatricians care for infants, children, teens, and young adults.
Right Care for You
What kind of primary care provider is right for you?
Antibiotics Use
The overuse and misuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant germs.
Explore more from Heart and Vascular Care
From diagnosis to treatment, we are dedicated to your comfort and well-being.
Cardiovascular Imaging
Offering many non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostic tests at convenient locations.
Cardiac Surgery
Among the most experienced open-heart surgery teams in the mid-Atlantic today.
Innovative Procedures
From developing medicines to creating equipment to assist in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment.
For the Love of Health Podcast
Health Library
Mindfulness & Meditation
Risk Assessments
Tobacco Treatment Program
Weight Management Center
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