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Nursing at ChristianaCare

Nursing Professional Development

Continually improving nursing skill sets.

Nursing Clinical Ladder

The clinical ladder allows frontline nurses to continually improve their skill set and practice at the top of their license. Research shows that each additional year of nursing experience on a clinical unit corresponds to improved patient outcomes.

Nursing Clinical Ladder

Nursing Advancement Scholarship Program

ChristianaCare’s Nursing Advancement Scholarship Program was revised in 2017 to more strategically support nurses’ professional growth and advancement. The redesign aligns the skills and talents of our extraordinary nursing team with our patients’ health care needs, while providing good stewardship of valuable resources.

RN-to-BSN Scholarship

To promote optimal patient outcomes and advance our journey to achieve a predominantly BSN-prepared workforce in keeping with the standards as a Magnet organization — and aligned with
the educational goal endorsed by the National Academy of Medicine — ChristianaCare continues to provide scholarships to nurses obtaining a BSN by working with approved academic partners.

MSN Nursing Scholarships

Nursing Advancement Scholarships also support the career growth of nurses in their current positions, and provide an opportunity for nurses interested in roles that require advanced degrees.

Nurse Leader Scholarship
For qualified BSN-prepared nurses seeking a role as a people leader.

Nursing Professional Development Specialist/Nursing Professional Development Manager
For qualified BSN-prepared nurses seeking a role as an educator.

Acute Care Bridge Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
For qualified nurse practitioners working in an acute-care setting and seeking acute-care certification based on the APRN Consensus Model.

Nurse Practitioner Scholarship
For qualified applicants seeking a nurse practitioner role in one of six targeted specialties: family/individual across the life span; adult-gerontology
(primary care and acute care); pediatrics (primary care and acute care); neonatal; women’s health/gender-related; psychiatry/mental health.

Academic Partners

ChristianaCare is excited to partner with the following academic institutions:

  • Delaware Technical Community College
  • Immaculata University
  • Thomas Jefferson University
  • University of Delaware
  • West Chester University
  • Widener University
  • Wilmington University

For more information, ChristianaCare nurses may visit the Nursing portal.


Professional nursing certification is a way for nurses to demonstrate that they have met nursing specialty standards for excellence in their practice area. Nursing certification has been linked to professional benefits including greater nurse satisfaction scores, higher degrees of accountability and increased confidence in decision-making.

ChristianaCare values professional nursing certification and supports eligible nurses obtaining certification through multiple methods. ChristianaCare’s certification policy pays for certification review courses, testing and certification renewal. Relieving the financial burden associated with reviews and testing provides nurses with professional growth opportunities. ChristianaCare provides certified clinical nurses with an hourly pay differential which demonstrates financial recognition for excellence within their specialty. We also offer on-site certification review classes throughout the year for multiple specialties.

Fellows are able to access the hospital intranet and the World Wide Web from the more than 1,500 computer terminals.
Two nominations spotlight nurse's 'personification of caring and professionalism' at Union Hospital