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HIV/AIDS Research

Integrating research protocols into the primary-care setting.

Information on HIV/AIDS Research

  • The research division of the HIV Community Program was originally funded in 1989 as a site of the Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS. The HIV Program was one of the first 17 sites in the nation.
  • The goal of the Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS is to integrate research protocols into the primary-care setting. Under this grant more than 200 patients participated in research protocols. The successful implementation of a research agenda into primary care led to the Delaware Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS being chosen as one of five NIAID-funded sites to participate in the civilian expansion of the Walter Reed GP-160 Vaccine Trial.
  • As a result of successful enrollment and retention of patients into these studies, the HIV Community Program broadened its focus to include pharmaceutical studies in 1994. Since that time The HIV Community Program has successfully executed more than 15 clinical protocols. These studies have included Phase II, III, and IV trials, as well as expanded-access protocols.
  • The HIV Program’s excellent quality-assurance program and dedicated research staff help to ensure the timely and accurate collection of data. The implementation of research into the primary care setting helps to promote drug adherence and provides “one stop shopping” for the HIV-infected patient.
  • Research coordinators prepare and coordinate the regulatory requirements of the protocols. They are available during clinic visits to assist the physicians with implementation of the protocol. In addition, they are also available to provide guidance to in-house staff when a study patient is admitted to the hospital.
  • Information about current research opportunities can be obtained by calling the HIV Community Program Office at 302-255-1300.

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A medical research study—often called a clinical trial, research protocol or clinical study—expands our understanding of a disease.