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Other Student Rotations


Giving students the opportunity to observe and participate.


The Department of Pharmacy Services offers affiliated universities/colleges of pharmacy Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) in a variety of practice settings.

Pharmacy students will have an excellent opportunity to develop their communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and clinical competency while working alongside experienced pharmacy faculty. While on direct patient care rotations, students will build on their current pharmacotherapy knowledgebase, create safe and effective pharmacotherapy plans, optimize patient outcomes, and provide accurate medication information to patients, caregivers, and hospital staff.

Course Description

The rotation is designed to enhance and expand the student’s skills in providing comprehensive patient care in a practical work environment under the direct supervision of a pharmacist preceptor. The student will participate as an active member of a multidisciplinary patient care team and will help to provide clinical pharmacy services. Students will evaluate, assess and monitor medication therapy for select patients on the medical team. In addition, students will be responsible for developing and maintaining accurate medication profiles, laboratory findings, etc. Other responsibilities may include responding to drug information questions, case/disease state topic discussions, adverse drug reaction follow-up, presenting in-services, and writing newsletter articles.

Expectations and Responsibilities

Objectives: Expand the student’s knowledge base on pharmacotherapy associated with common disease states found on an internal medicine/family medicine unit.

    • Develop confidence in making recommendation to other healthcare professionals to enhance medication therapy and patient outcomes.
    • Develop skills in patient assessment, drug/dose selection, and medication monitoring.
    • Develop skills in verbal and written communication.
    • Other objectives as assigned by the affiliated university/college of pharmacy.

    5–6 weeks (varies depending on university or college requirements).

    1–6 (varies depending on preceptor capacity).


    Christiana Hospital or Wilmington Hospital.

    ChristianaCare offers housing for 4th year students from out of the area (60+ miles) who are on rotations with our residency programs.

    Carpool, public transportation, a car is recommend/required for this rotation.

    • Professional attire is required in clinical and patient care settings.
    • White coats should be worn, and students must always have their school ID and ChristianaCare ID visible.
    • Scrubs may be required as determined by rotation.
    Course Description

    The critical care experience is designed to provide the student with exposure to one of the various intensive care settings. The medical intensive care patient population includes patients with respiratory failure, ARDS, COPD, asthma exacerbations, pneumonia, sepsis, etc. The surgical intensive care patient population includes patients on the trauma services as well as routine scheduled surgeries, which may include abdominal, orthopedic, head and neck, etc. The cardiac intensive care patient population includes patients following open heart surgery, angioplasty, etc.

    The rotation is designed to enhance and expand the student’s skills in providing comprehensive patient care in a practical work environment under the direct supervision of a pharmacist preceptor. The student will participate as an active member of a multidisciplinary patient care team and will help to provide clinical pharmacy services. Students will evaluate, assess and monitor medication therapy for select patients on the ICU team. In addition, students will be responsible for developing and maintaining accurate medication profiles, laboratory findings, etc. Other responsibilities may include responding to drug information questions, case/disease state topic discussions, adverse drug reaction follow-up, presenting in-services, and writing newsletter articles.

    Expectations and Responsibilities

    Objectives: Expand the student’s knowledge base on pharmacotherapy associated with common disease states found in the intensive care unit.

      • Develop confidence in making recommendations to other health care professionals to enhance medication therapy and patient outcomes.
      • Develop skills in patient assessment, drug/dose selection, and medication monitoring.
      • Develop skills in verbal and written communication.
      • Other objectives as assigned by the affiliated university/college of pharmacy.

      5–6 weeks (varies depending on university or college requirements).

      Available Spots: 1–5 (varies depending on preceptor capacity).


      Christiana Hospital.

      ChristianaCare offers housing for 4th year students from out of the area (60+ miles) who are on rotations with our residency programs.

      Carpool, public transportation, a car is recommend/required for this rotation.

      • Professional attire is required in clinical and patient care settings.
      • White coats should be worn, and students must always have their school ID and ChristianaCare ID visible.
      • Scrubs may be required as determined by rotation.
      Course Description

      This rotation is designed to enhance and expand the student’s skills in providing comprehensive patient care in a practical work environment under the direct supervision of a pharmacist preceptor. The student will participate as an active member of a multidisciplinary patient care team and will help to provide clinical pharmacy services. Students will evaluate, assess and monitor medication therapy for select patients on the transplant team service. In addition, students will be responsible for developing and maintaining accurate medication profiles, laboratory findings, etc. Other responsibilities may include responding to drug information questions, case/disease state topic discussions, adverse drug reaction follow-up, presenting in-services, and writing newsletter articles.

      Expectations and Responsibilities

      Objectives: Expand the student’s knowledge base on pharmacotherapy associated with organ transplant.

      • Develop confidence in making recommendation to other health care professionals to enhance medication therapy and patient outcomes.
      • Develop skills in patient assessment, drug/dose selection and medication monitoring.
      • Develop skills in verbal and written communication.
      • Other objectives as assigned by the affiliated university/college of pharmacy.

      5–6 weeks (varies depending on university or college requirements).



      Christiana Hospital or Wilmington Hospital.

      ChristianaCare offers housing for 4th year students from out of the area (60+ miles) who are on rotations with our residency programs.

      Carpool, public transportation, a car is recommend/required for this rotation.

      • Professional attire is required in clinical and patient care settings.
      • White coats should be worn, and students must always have their school ID and ChristianaCare ID visible.
      • Scrubs may be required as determined by rotation.
      Course Description

      This rotation is designed to enhance and expand the student’s skills in providing comprehensive patient care in a practical work environment under the direct supervision of a pharmacist preceptor. The student will participate as an active member on the pharmacy team at the clinic site. Students will evaluate, assess and monitor medication therapy for select patients seen on the pharmacy service at the clinic. In addition, students will be responsible for developing and maintaining accurate medication profiles, laboratory findings, etc. Other responsibilities may include responding to drug information questions, case/disease state topic discussions, adverse drug reaction follow-up, presenting in-services and writing newsletter articles.

      Expectations and Responsibilities


      • Expand the student’s knowledge base on pharmacotherapy associated with common disease states managed in the community such as asthma, COPD, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes (adult medicine clinic).
      • Expand the student’s knowledge base on pharmacotherapy associated with the management of HIV and opportunistic infections (HIV clinic).
      • Develop confidence in making recommendation to other health care professionals to enhance medication therapy and patient outcomes.
      • Develop skills in patient assessment, drug/dose selection, and medication monitoring.
      • Develop skills in verbal and written communication.
      • Other objectives as assigned by the affiliated university/college of pharmacy.

      5–6 weeks (varies depending on university or college requirements).

      1–2 (varies depending on preceptor capacity).


      Wilmington Hospital, Wilmington Annex.

      ChristianaCare offers housing for 4th year students from out of the area (60+ miles) who are on rotations with our residency programs.

      Carpool, public transportation, a car is recommend/required for this rotation.

      • Professional attire is required in clinical and patient care settings.
      • White coats should be worn, and students must always have their school ID and ChristianaCare ID visible.
      • Scrubs may be required as determined by rotation.
      Course Description

      The student will gain an understanding of the administrative activities associated with the general operation of the department and the responsibilities of committee/team management. In addition, the student will be provided experiences in the verification and distribution of medications within the OR pharmacy, IV lab pharmacy and satellite pharmacy.

      Expectations and Responsibilities


      • Expand the student’s knowledge of hospital pharmacy practice by participating in functions of a pharmacist and pharmacy technician.
      • Develop an understanding of the reporting relationships within a pharmacy.
      • Observe the budget and allocation process within a large hospital system.
      • Other objectives as assigned by the affiliated university/college of pharmacy.

      5–6 weeks (varies depending on university or college requirements).

      1–2 (varies depending on preceptor capacity).

      Christiana Hospital.

      ChristianaCare offers housing for 4th year students from out of the area (60+ miles) who are on rotations with our residency programs.

      Carpool, public transportation, a car is recommend/required for this rotation.

      • Professional attire is required in clinical and patient care settings.
      • White coats should be worn, and students must always have their school ID and ChristianaCare ID visible.
      • Scrubs may be required as determined by rotation.

      Clerkship Directors

      Scott Shoop, Pharm.D.
      Email: SShoop@Christianacare.org

      Clerkship Coordinator

      Lisa Carnley
      Email: LCarnley@ChristianaCare.org

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