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Remembering Your Baby

Here to help you create meaningful memories.

Remembering Your Baby

Creating lasting memories of the short time you had with your baby can help you navigate through the journey of grief and healing. We are here to help you in any way we can to create those memories in a meaningful and lasting way.

Creating Memories

While still at the hospital, if seeing and holding your baby feels right to you, staff members are here to help carry out your wishes. Giving your baby a name is also meaningful.

Think about whether you would like photographs taken. Many who have lost a baby find comfort in these photos later on in their grieving process.

A memory box is also something that can help. Some choose to get a lock of hair, hand and foot prints, a hospital bracelet, your baby’s blanket or any other item that speaks to you in your time of grief.

Whatever your desires are, we will do everything we can to accommodate them during this sobre time.

Annual Memorial Service

Each year there is an interfaith memorial service where families and friends can come together with others who have all suffered the loss of a baby.

The Tree of Remembrance

The Tree of Remembrance is located on the Christiana Hospital Campus near the pond by the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center. There is a path leading down to the Bronze Tree near the white gazebo. There you will find the Tree with names of babies, who have passed, engraved onto the leaves. 

For more information please call 302-733-4367.

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