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Undergraduate Medical Education

Information for Incoming Students

All you need to know if you're an incoming student.

Important Information

Students who are not assigned to ChristianaCare for a rotation must receive initial acceptance from the department they desire to rotate in 90 days prior to the start date of their rotation. For more information on this process, please see Requirements to Rotate.

Students who are not from an affiliated school, a student training agreement will be sent to an official at your school to sign, confirm the information below, and return to ChristianaCare.

  • A criminal background check, as performed by your school.
  • Immunizations: Tetanus; Measles; Mumps; Rubella; Hepatitis B; Varicella if a negative history or an unknown history of chicken pox; TST skin test or equivalent; Influenza in accordance with ChristianaCare timeframe.
  • Fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • School maintains liability coverage on the student. A certificate of insurance must be sent to ChristianaCare by the school before the student can begin their rotation.
  • A letter of good standing must be sent to ChristianaCare by the school before the student can begin their rotation.

All students must complete registration for their rotation no later than 60 days prior to the start date of their rotation. Failure to do so will result in the cancelation of your rotation. All registration materials will be sent to the student by the student coordinator at ChristianaCare.

Registration includes the student to do the following:

    • Complete Student Registration for Institutional ID number.
    • Complete Student Information form.

    Students will receive a second notification 30 days prior to their rotation. Students must:

    • Complete Student Confidentiality and Security Agreement through ChristianaCare LearningSpace.
    • Complete Clinical Learner Onboarding Modules through ChristianaCare LearningSpace.

    All students must abide by the rules and regulations of the department through which they are rotating at ChristianaCare. Students are required to wear their medical school identification badge while on rotation at ChristianaCare.

    Any questions about the above requirements can be directed to UME at UME@christianacare.org

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